Salsa Scoop

Happy International Women's Day!

 March 8 is International Women's Day -- a bigger holiday lots of places overseas than it is stateside -- and a couple DIA community members are giving it better tribute than, say, South Dakota gave it.

Codepink's Women Say No To War page has been organizing a raft of events around this date, culminating with a Women's Day march (originating virtually on our doorstep) and rally.



07:00 PM Mar 07, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Goodmail Concessions Welcome, But Not Enough

On Friday, AOL made a qualified concession to the DearAOL campaign against the paid Goodmail distribution channel, offering to pick up the cheque for nonprofits to accredit their e-mailing programs for non-Goodmail distribution. The DearAOL coalition took it as a good first step with more needed to follow: a vindication of the principle combined with an insufficient response:



11:00 AM Mar 07, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Improvements to E-mail Reporting

You may have noticed some changes in the detailed e-mail performance reports in your HQ. That's because we've listened to your suggestions on how we can make these reports more useful, and rolled some of the best of them into the code.

Improvements include:

  • Clearer labeling of e-mail status. One thing we have consistently heard is that the labels we used to use for the status of an e-mail ("Sent", "Sent and Opened", "Sent and Clicked") were confusing. Therefore, we've relabeled these with what we hope will be clearer names.
  • Total sent displayed in report. Our old reports showed you the number of messages in each category, but didn't make clear that the total number sent for the blast was the sum of all three categories. Now, we've added the total sent for the blast onto the report so that you don't have to do the math.
  • Percentages as well as totals. We used to show you only the total number of messages in each category.  That made it harder than it had to be to see "at a glance" how your blast had performed. We've now added percentages to the report, which makes it much easier to get a high-level view of performance.
  • Metadata included in report. Every report now starts with the reference name, subject line, and date sent of the blast. This makes printing out copies of the report much nicer.

We're putting lots of effort into making reporting easier and more powerful for you, and this is the first fruit of that effort. Got suggestions for other ways we could improve our reporting? Send 'em to me at



09:30 AM Mar 06, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

From 'Brand Guardians' to 'Brand Hosts'

Consumer-generated content establishes a beachhead (free registration/bugmenot required) on Madison Avenue with a Current TV deal to have viewers make their own ads -- a more lucrative expression of the spirit behind the MoveOn Bush ad contest of '04 and more broadly, a wide swath of Web 2.0 phenomena such as YouTube and Flickr.

Personally, I can't think why someone would want to make an advert for L'Oreal, but then, I watch the Super Bowl for the game and hit the can at halftime. People are motivated by all kinds of crazy stuff. Possibly even your cause.



10:00 AM Mar 04, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

The Garbage Chute Was a Really Wonderful Idea!

The spectrum-spanning consortium calling on AOL to reconsider fee-based Goodmail delivery debuted just in time to soak up fanboy reaction to the ISP behemoth's instant-classic jibe that it's just "some disparate groups of advocates ... reminiscent of the bar scene in the first 'Star Wars' movie."

Computer controversy meets Star Wars references. Technorati will groan tonight under the heavy tread of banthas and probots.



04:30 PM Feb 28, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

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