Salsa Scoop

Katrina: Outpouring of Compassion, Creativity Online

Love MoveOn or hate them -- they've posted a free housing database (co-sponsored by a variety of frequent MoveOn partners, including which never deployed its treasury to better effect) to match folks in needs of lodging with people volunteering their spare bedrooms, basements, dens, and fold-out couches across the U.S. As of this writing, it claims 115,537 beds. No political litmus test required.

The Red Cross, meanwhile, has this database to match separated relatives with no way to get in touch, and of course, you can search for your local chapters to volunteer or donate blood. They're co-sponsirng, another hub for donated rooms. Air America Radio has opened a public voicemail system for the disconnected.



10:30 AM Sep 04, 2005 - 1 comments permalink

Blowback on the Bayou

Nicked from kos.

One wonders what to say about Katrina from a niche blog like this. The scale of the catastrophe beggars description; the dunderheaded relief effort scourges the conscience.

Yesterday morning, a good friend who happens to be a Republican said to me, quavering with emotion, that she was so furious with the Bush administration's indifferent response that she was considering voting Democratic in 2006.



12:30 AM Sep 03, 2005 - 0 comments permalink

What Not To Do Series: Chad Kroski

T-Mobile half-accidentally creates a delicious viral campaign, and then can't resist ham-fistedly smashing it up out of a compulsive need for control.



09:30 AM Sep 01, 2005 - 0 comments permalink

August 31 is Blog Day!

I never know what to get people for these.