Salsa Scoop

Seize the moment! Use petitions/campaigns with media moments

Bailouts got you down? What better way to show your organization is paying attention and relevant, than with rapid response tools such as petitions and campaigns.

These tactics on their own won't do much (well, except grow your list!). Consider combining them with a strategy that includes an offline approach, such as printing and delivering your petitions in a creative way, along with calls, in-person visits, etc.

Below is a great example from member group, Campaign for Fresh Air and Clean Politics, who used Salsa to take action on the bailout. Notice how they also used the "letter to the editor" tool and sign-in page.

Tell Congress: Stop the Bailout

Letter to the Editor

Sign in form (keep me updated about the bailout)

If you're thinking, well our group doesn't work on financial issues, think again. This bailout and stock crash will effect everyone's organization, whether it's a massive hit from your funders or a trickle down policy effect. If you don't have a clear target or strategy now, use a petition tool to broadly state that your group is concerned about "x" and how it relates to your issue. This will grow and engage your list and perhaps provide political fodder.

It's probably the only way folks will listen when everyone is thinking about finances. Bring it back to where people are at.

Making change is about endless pressure endlessly applied.

p.s DIA would love to share other examples of how folks are responding the the crisis, especially with issues that aren't immediately connected.



10:39 AM Sep 30, 2008 - 315 comments permalink

The Voice of the Timesman

Pretty big news -- if long past surprising -- that Rosenberg co-conspirator Morton Sobell copped to the spy ring after maintaining his innocence for the past half-century.

And an excerpt as revealing of the Grey Lady as of Sobell:

In the interview, Mr. Sobell drew a distinction between atomic espionage and the details of radar and artillery devices that he said he stole for the Russians. “What I did was simply defensive, an aircraft gun,” he said. “This was defensive. You cannot plead that what you did was only defensive stuff, but there’s a big difference between giving that and stuff that could be used to attack our country.”

(One device mentioned specifically by Mr. Sobell, however, the SCR 584 radar, is believed by military experts to have been used against American aircraft in Korea and Vietnam.)

"However"?  Is that the "offensive" use of firing against the planes that are bombing your country?



11:33 PM Sep 11, 2008 - 1 comments permalink

Buffalo Field Campaign talks Salsa

Dan Brister, Project Director of the Buffalo Field Campaign, talks about how he hopes Salsa will mobilize grassroots support around the protection of Yellowstone's last wild buffalo.



08:07 PM Sep 03, 2008 - 1 comments permalink

DemocracyInAction NYC Events!

The NY office of DIA is putting together a client training for September 8th. Come join us! There'll be four different sessions (you can pick two), presented by April Pedersen (E. Director), Chris Lundberg (CTO), Jon Wheeler (Managing Director), and myself.

And of course, there's a Happy Hour at a nearby bar to follow.

Click here for more info



02:54 PM Aug 28, 2008 - 35 comments permalink

The Big Tent - Catch the DNC

Wish you could be in Denver for the DNC? I know, I know, me too.

Your next best option is to stay tuned via The Big Tent

The Big Tent is the place to be for new media journalists, bloggers, and non-profit leaders covering the Democratic National Convention in Denver.



05:06 PM Aug 25, 2008 - 8 comments permalink

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