Salsa Scoop

Friday Fiesta: scoring, soup, and recurring donations

Happy Friday (and Happy Fall)!

Did you see our shiny new website design? Alec, Lindsay and others have been working on this for a while, and it sounds like they'd still like feedback, so definitely email and let us know if you have any thoughts to share.

For those who missed the Third Thursday training on scoring...



02:41 PM Sep 24, 2010 - 5 comments permalink

Salsa Weekly Highlight: Tracking Your Donations

(From this week's Weekly Highlight email. Click here to sign up to receive it in your inbox every week!)


It's the "Salsa Weekly Highlight," your quick hit on what's what in Salsa to help get the most out of your online program. As always, you can find plenty more news, updates, and conversation throughout the week on

With many organizations gearing up for end-of-year fundraising season, this is a good time to review some of Salsa's options for tracking incoming donations.

You have two basic choices: Tracking Codes and Tags. You can use either one or both together to classify your donations; the difference is:

  • a single donation can have only a single tracking code; but
  • a single donation can have many different tags.


02:44 PM Sep 23, 2010 - 698 comments permalink

They Shoot, They Score! Why Scoring Can Help You Engage Your Supporters

The following is a guest blog post by 1Sky's Garth Moore about Salsa Scoring.  Please contact Salsa support at if you're interested in learning more about the scoring package or you'd like to add it to your account.

Maintaining long-term engagement with your online supporters can be a challenge. How many times have you sent an email to your entire supporter base hoping for big returns and the email ended up with an 11% open rate or a .8% click-through rate? You just created the best action that will create the biggest impact, yet participation didn’t meet your expectations. It leaves you a bit taken aback, knowing you have to go back to the drawing board and determine how you can be more effective when reaching out to your supporters.

This usually means you should look at your supporter list a little more closely. Who are your rock stars, the ones who have taken the most actions, made the most donations, or attended the most events? Conversely, who has taken the least number of actions? How can you convince these inactive people to take action? How can you move your supporters though the ladder of engagement and create more rock stars and exceptional supporters? How can you segment your list in a meaningful way to maximize your recruitment, actions, or fundraising?

For 1Sky, a great way to segment our supporter lists was to use Salsa’s Scoring module. Our Field and Policy teams wanted to maximize recruitment for volunteers and our Internet team wanted to get more action out of low action supporters. Rather than just query out folks by groups or tags, we used scoring because it showed a cumulative number of actions. Scoring was very simple to set-up. We initially scored by number of actions, donations, and events. After building the scoring and waiting 24 hours, we could instantly see who was taking action, and who needed a nudge up that ladder.



01:27 PM Sep 23, 2010 - 3 comments permalink

Getting Started with Scoring

Did you miss last week's "Third Thursday" workshop on Salsa's Scoring tool?

Not to worry! All the session materials are now available online. Take a look and find some inspiration for master-class segmentation and targeting on your supporter list in Q4.

Screenshot: 1Sky scoring presentation
Screenshot: Salsa Labs scoring presentation
Garth Moore's presentation on strategic messaging with Scoring, available on Slideshare or as a downloadable pdf
Jason Z's presentation on configuring scoring algorithms in your Salsa headquarters, available on Slideshare or as a downloadable pdf



03:46 PM Sep 20, 2010 - 4 comments permalink

Friday Fiesta: fun, happy learning

Happy Friday!

This week, I'm wishing you Happy Friday direct from Salsa's DC office. Wheee... I've met a few coworkers for the first time this week, and I don't think they find me nearly as frightening as perhaps they once did...

Speaking of making things less scary, our Third Thursday training on Scoring yesterday was pleasant and fun. Garth Moore from 1Sky shared how he used Scoring to more effectively target supporters before Jason explained more about the Scoring interface and answered questions. The presentation is linked here for more fun, happy learning [Note: this is a different, cooler presentation than the one I originally sent out via email].



01:28 PM Sep 17, 2010 - 3 comments permalink

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