Salsa Scoop

Location, Location, Location

So, the official move-in date was last Monday, but they never did run smooth, did they? Today, we're finally (mostly) set up in our wonderful new digs.

Here's how it looks. Those blue screens make it feel like a Christo exhibition ...

And here's Connecticut Avenue running towards DuPont Circle as seen from our corner conference room. Circled in red: our former offices down the street.



01:30 PM May 08, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Kos's Post Op-Ed Asserts Netroots as '08 Kingmaker

In Sunday's Washington Post, Markos Moulitsas of DailyKos fires a fusillade from the blogrolls into the Democratic establishment, arguing (with hedges appropriate to one who has already parlayed his online prominence into lucrative party consultancies) that presumptive 2008 Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton can't win the netroots' blessing, and can't take the White House without it.

Moulitsas himself may be the least interesting thing about the namesake blog-city that's accidentally catapulted him into prominence. A cynic might say he's doing nothing more than getting out in front of a sure net-level parade against the DLC-driven Clinton machine, and he doesn't venture anything more substantive of Hillary than the blogs-against-the-dumbass-consultants theme he's used for ages prior to Crashing the Gates. Ultimately, he burns no bridges and positions himself to assert blogland credit for any possible outcome, including (given the Internet's quarter-billion-dollar rally 'round bland insider John Kerry once the nomination was decided) an actual Hillary win.



12:30 AM May 07, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

The Nonprofit Sector at a Crossroads

Seattle freezine The Stranger offers an illuminating feature on the tectonic forces shaping the nonprofit sector.  There'll be something in here -- whether it's the fetish of quantified results, board-staff tension, or the ever-present (and always intensifying) struggle to raise funds -- to wring a rueful smile from any nonprofit lifer.

(Hat tip to the always invaluable Progressive Review.)



05:30 PM May 04, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Markey Introduces Net Neutrality Act

Days after the House Energy and Commerce Committee spiked Massachusetts Democrat Ed Markey's net neutrality amendment to the "Communications Opportunity, Promotion and Enhancement Act"* and forwarded the telco-friendly version to the House floor, Markey has reintroduced his amendment as a stand-alone bill -- the Net Neutrality Act.

DIA communards Alternet have the poop, including today's pro-neutrality editorial in the paper of record.



01:30 PM May 02, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Workers of the World, Unidas

Happy May Day, comrades.

The international day of workers' solidarity, a true American holiday born in Chicago -- you thought, maybe, on Red Square? -- 120 years ago. And while this is Labor Day most everywhere in the world, hereabouts, May 1 is something nasty called "Law Day." (Although right-thinking Americans may also commemorate it as Mission Accomplished Day.) Labor Day, of course, is a historically meaningless holiday in September that marks nothing but the end of barbeque season and the beginning of football season.



04:00 PM May 01, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

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