Salsa Scoop

Chris Lundberg promoted to 'luminary'

Supernova next?

(Probably not quite, since we're dwarfed by Sun.)

ZDNet on Open Source for America.

Jackson Browne’s not involved, but nearly every major luminary in the open source movement is. In addition to vendors, the group’s board of advisors includes attorney Andy Updegrove, SFLC head Eben Moglen, Wired for Change co-founder Chris Lundberg, and publisher Tim O’Reilly.

Chris Lundberg was a co-founder of DemocracyInAction as well as Wired for Change, and is the principal engineer behind Salsa.



02:05 PM Jul 22, 2009 - 6 comments permalink

PNHP does Colbert

The game may be rigged against them -- see this action page from fellow Salsa users Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting -- but Physicians for a National Health Program is still out there trying to move a mountain in the health care debacle debate.

If you missed PNHP making their un-American case for single-payer on Stephen Colbert last night ... bang. For a more depressingly detailed dissection of the current health care bill, the PNHP-affiliated Len Rodberg appeared on Doug Henwood's radio program last week.



12:15 PM Jul 22, 2009 - 0 comments permalink

Salsa, the Golden Lasso

The Salsa communications platform notched an off-year election win by powering the victorious "campaign" of Wonder Woman for DC Mayor at the New Organizing Institute's bootcamp. Congratulations to Princess Diana of Themyscira and the latest addition to her arsenal: the Salsa toolkit.

(Full disclosure: We had two irons in this fire, since one of our staffers also attended NOI and was placed on a non-Salsa team for obvious reasons. As one of our mutual colleagues put it in the inevitable internal email: "Sorry Victoria, you just weren't provided with the tools you needed to run the most successful campaign.")

In less fictional campaigning, Colin at e.politics announces deployment of a new Drupal-built site with Salsa as the CRM infrastructure: International Biochar Initiative. Always a treat to get a little glimpse inside the process, and for quite a cool organization.



12:00 AM Jul 12, 2009 - 0 comments permalink

Day 6 at NOI Bootcamp

It's day 6 at NOI's Bootcamp and I'm sitting here with my team (Spider-Man) formulating our plan to get the most people to vote Spider-Man for Mayor in NOI's online election tomorrow. It may or may not involve a online radio show and asking supporters to don Spider-man masks on their walk to work in the morning....

I'm sure the Salsa community must be wondering, "What in the world does a mock mayoral election involving superhero characters have to do with the progressive movement?"

LOTS.  This mock campaign was set up by the New Organizing Institute, as part of a week long seminar designed to train the next generation of online organizers in the progressive movement.  For the past week, 60 participants from all over the map have been learning a host of online organizing skills from professionals and leaders in the progressive movement.  I know I've gained great insight into the details that go into the work our members do on a daily basis.  Much respect!

In addition to a jam packed schedule of speakers, each team has been working around the clock on their mock campaigns, applying all the knowledge they've learned to get the most people on their email lists, click through to their site, and commit to voting for their candidate in the online election this Friday.

The week started out with ... 


02:54 PM Jul 09, 2009 - 0 comments permalink user? You may have missed some donations.'s data center was down for several hours Friday and into Saturday morning -- not a Salsa-related issue in any way. Anyone using an merchant gateway account would have been unable to process transactions during that time; fortunately a Friday heading into (or part of) a three-day weekend in the middle of summer is probably about the least transaction-heavy window of the year. But every gift counts, especially in times like this.

Users should check both their Salsa headquarters and accounts for gift history on Friday and early Saturday, but anyone with ongoing campaigns who might have reason to have expected significant donation traffic during that time might want to consider more proactive steps to communicate to supporters.

Heck, view it as an opportunity: it's force majeure, and an excuse to re-ask.

Users of any other merchant gateway, including the DemocracyInAction default (a PayPal Payflow Pro gateway) have nothing to worry about at all.



09:20 PM Jul 05, 2009 - 0 comments permalink

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