Salsa Scoop

Who Can't Use a Little Campaign Training?

The New Organizing Institute is bringing together the Internet gurus from the Kerry, Dean, Clark, and Edwards campaigns as well as MoveOn, the DNC, AFL-CIO, and top fundraising and direct marketing consultants to teach 2006 campaign staff how make the most out of their websites and email lists.

Sounds impressive.

Experts in these areas will show you how to conduct a successful email fundraising campaign, organize volunteers online, outreach to bloggers, coordinate your field and online work, and make smart choices about political technology.



12:00 PM Aug 10, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

AOL Searches and the Marches of Progress

Science! true daughter of Old Time thou art!
Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes.
Why preyest thou thus upon the poet's heart,
Vulture, whose wings are dull realities?
-Edgar Allan Poe 

"How much easier it would have been, we suggest, if internet companies had from the outset sought what they would eventually publish anyway: the boring and creepy things that people type into their computers."

-The Register



10:00 AM Aug 10, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

"I Will Never Vote For Sherrod Brown Because He Spammed Me."

Politics & Technology makes an apposite catch of this New York Times piece Sunday featuring a vow never to vote for Ohio Democratic candidate Sherrod Brown because "he's a spammer!"

We're the ones who get to deal with pissed-off postmasters when someone uploads a voter file append or a culled e-mail list with addresses that begin with spamtrap@ and generate a few thousand spam complaints ... or with other users who start getting spam-flagged because our mail servers start getting those complaints.



01:30 PM Aug 08, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Today, Sir? Why, It's Netroots Day! (Or, Careful What You Wish For Day in Blogistan)

If the results of today's Connecticut primary vindicate blogland's elevation of the once-quixotic Lamont campaign, it's not entirely impossible that August 8 will become a sort of "Netroots Day" around which meetups at hipster watering holes and comradely exchanges of hyperlinks will be organized in future years, a much more fashionable midsummer observance than the likes of Hiroshima Day.

The day that would-be kingmaker Markos Moulitsas finally answered the riposte, "Show me the king!" No Howard Dean or Paul Hackett close-but-no-cigar ... but finally, the guy who receives the congratulatory phone call instead of making it. At some point, you cease being the promising youngster and either become a star or settle in as a journeyman.



11:00 AM Aug 08, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

Happy Blogversary To Us

All of one year old, but with medieval-level infant mortality rates for blogs, we scarcely took for granted that we'd churn out 204 (this is the 205th) eloquent, incisive posts in 12 months.

Ironically, the traditional first anniversary gift is paper. Probably contrived by the dead-tree media to move its obsolete product. Get us, I don't know, a torrent or something.



06:30 AM Aug 07, 2006 - 0 comments permalink

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