Salsa Scoop

Bioneers Beaming – A hub for natural innovation and inspiration

WARNING: Attending a Bioneers conference may cause an uncontrollable desire to seek innovative and practical solutions to restore the earth and its people.

Beyond the gates of Yellowstone National Park, over 500 Montanans gathered in Bozeman to plug in to the 18th annual Bioneers conference that was held in San Rafael, CA.

Before attending the conference, I had the notion that Bioneers was a progressive solutions-based network.

It is, but it's also has this going for it:

Bioneers Defined - Bioneers is a hub of practical solutions for restoring the Earth and people. It's a thriving network of visionary innovators who are working with nature to heal nature.  


08:23 PM Oct 24, 2007 - 48 comments permalink

Happy United Nations Day

By way of Salsa users at the UN Foundation: the UN turns 62. Note the link to the Briefing Book by fellow DIAniacs at the Better World Campaign


11:37 AM Oct 24, 2007 - 858 comments permalink

Projecting Credibility on a Website

What makes someone hitting your web page stick around, join an e-mail list, forward to a friend? This Slideshare presentation makes clear that design and content both play crucial roles in creating (or undermining) an appearance of credibility on a website. The research here is much deeper and could be of particular interest for anyone involved in a redesign ("Websites lose credibility whenever they make it hard for users to accomplish their task at hand"), but here are a handful of top-level takeaways of use for any nonprofit whatever their web presence or expertise:
  • Show your physical address -- proving the existence of a real organization that stands behind the site.
  • Don't link to non-credible outside sites ... but do link to source material for your claims, showing confidence in your positions.
  • Update often.
  • "Small errors like misspellings and broken links hurt a site's credibility more than most people imagine."


11:35 AM Oct 23, 2007 - 429 comments permalink

Photo of the Week

Yes, it's been many, many weeks since our last photo. Onward! This week's photo comes from CIVIC Worldwide, and the caption reads "It's still winter in the mountains of Afghanistan. But it's thawing quickly, which means ISAF (NATO's forces in the country) will be launching a new offensive against the Taliban." P.S. If your organization is doing the Flickr thing, why not join our group


04:38 PM Oct 22, 2007 - 2 comments permalink

Another Salsa API Integration

Since we're on about APIs lately, the Development Seed blog's description [warning: geeky] of using our API to internationalize by melding Salsa and Drupal is a timely comment. Beautiful. 


02:27 PM Oct 22, 2007 - 2 comments permalink

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