
Namespace Session

An object representing the end users' session, which can have attributes that cross requests

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Determine if a certain key exists in the session
Determine if a session exists.
Retrieve an attribute from the Session, keeping it in the Session, or return null if there is no such value
Retrieve a listing of the available key names in the Session
Remove an attribute from the Session, and return the value, or null if there is no such value
Session.setAttribute(key, value)
Add an attribute to the Session
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> Session.containsKey(name)
Determine if a certain key exists in the session
{String} name
The name of the attribute

<static> Session.exists()
Determine if a session exists. For example, a session would not exist outside of the context of a web server

<static> Session.getAttribute(name)
Retrieve an attribute from the Session, keeping it in the Session, or return null if there is no such value
{String} name
The name of the attribute

<static> Session.getAttributeNames()
Retrieve a listing of the available key names in the Session

<static> Session.removeAttribute(key)
Remove an attribute from the Session, and return the value, or null if there is no such value
{String} key
The name of the attribute to remove

<static> Session.setAttribute(key, value)
Add an attribute to the Session
{String} key
The name of the attribute to add
{Object} value
The object to store in the session. Note: Non-String session objects will be serialized prior to storage with toJSON(). Therefore, any prototype methods on objects that are saved, or methods that cannot be iterated over must be applied after retrieving the attribute from the session with getAttribute().

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Tue Jun 14 2011 05:41:52 GMT-0400 (EDT)