
Namespace Crawler

An implementation of the Apache HTTP Client that can be used to make server-side HTTP requests.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Perform an HTTP GET request on the specified URL and return the entire body of the response as a string.
Retrieves an RSS feed from a URL and converts it into a JavaScript XML object.
Deprecated: Use Crawler.get instead.
Retrieves an XML document from a URL and converts it into a Javascript XML object.
Crawler.setCredentials(url, port, username, password)
Utilize HttpClient header authentication mechanism.
Crawler.setHeader(name, value)
Sets a header in the Crawler request
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> {String} Crawler.get(url)
Perform an HTTP GET request on the specified URL and return the entire body of the response as a string.
	var response = Crawler.get('');
	if (response.indexOf('Error getting url') != 0) {
{String} url
A fully qualified URL to retrieve.
A String containing the body of the document requested or a message describing an error that was encountered. The error error string will begin with "Error getting url" followed by the name and message of the wrapped Java exception.

<static> {XML} Crawler.getRSS(url)
Retrieves an RSS feed from a URL and converts it into a JavaScript XML object. This differs from getXML in that it can handle multiple different types and versions of RSS feeds, while returning back a consistent format.
{String} url
The URL of the RSS feed
A JavaScript XML object containing the results of the translated feed.

<static> Crawler.getURL(url)
Use Crawler.get instead.

<static> {XML} Crawler.getXML(url)
Retrieves an XML document from a URL and converts it into a Javascript XML object.
{String} url
The URL of a well-formed XML document
A JavaScript XML object containing the results of the translated document.

<static> Crawler.setCredentials(url, port, username, password)
Utilize HttpClient header authentication mechanism. Pass url, port and authentication credentials to obtain access to the secured realm. The realm is set to ANY_REALM.
	var port = '80';
	var username = 'open';
	var password = 'QWxhZGRpbjpvcGV';
	Crawler.setCredentials(domain, port, username, password);
{String} url
Path to the page on the server that you want to access.
{String} port
The port you want to access, port 80 for non-secure and 443 for secure connections.
{String} username
{String} password

<static> Crawler.setHeader(name, value)
Sets a header in the Crawler request
{String} name
The name of the header, without ":"
{String} value
The value of the header

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Tue Jun 14 2011 05:41:50 GMT-0400 (EDT)