
Namespace Graphics

Color and graphic utilties for SalsaScript.

Include: /salsa/common/Graphics.sjs

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Graphics.brightenColor(color, scale)
Brighten the passed color by scaling it to white.
Convert a W3C CSS color name to its corresponding six character hex string.
Graphics.darkenColor(color, scale)
Darken the passed color by scaling it to black
Generate a link to a dynamically created text png using fontimage.jsp
Graphics.getImageUrl(image_path, opts)
Generate a link for a resized image, using the imagine.sjs system.
Generate a link to a dynamically created gradient png using gradient.jsp
Convert a CSS hexadecimal color string to an array of its red, green and blue components in decimal.
Graphics.hslToRgb(h, s, l)
Convert a Hue-Saturation-Lightness color to its equivalent Red-Green-Blue definition.
Graphics.rgbToHexString(r, g, b)
Convert three numbers describing a color's red, green and blue components to a CSS hexadecimal color string.
Graphics.rgbToHsl(r, g, b)
Convert a Red-Green-Blue color to its equivalent Hue-Saturation-Lightness definition.
Graphics.scaleColor(color, scale)
Brighten or darken a color by scaling it linearly towards white or black.
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> {String} Graphics.brightenColor(color, scale)
Brighten the passed color by scaling it to white.
{String} color
A CSS color string.
{Number} scale
A number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) where
  • 0 represents the original color
  • 1 represents white
  • a number inbetween represents the distance between the original and white
{String} A hexadecimal CSS color string

<static> Graphics.colorToHexString(color)
Convert a W3C CSS color name to its corresponding six character hex string.
{String} color
The color name to convert
A six character hex color string if the color is found, otherwise the passed value of color

<static> {String} Graphics.darkenColor(color, scale)
Darken the passed color by scaling it to black
{String} color
A CSS color string.
{Number} scale
A number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) where
  • 0 represents black
  • 1 represents the original color
  • A number inbetween represents the distance between the original and black
{String} A hexadecimal CSS color string

<static> {String} Graphics.fontImageLink(link)
Generate a link to a dynamically created text png using fontimage.jsp
{Object|Array} link
An object describing the font image or an array of objects describing one or more font images to stack in a single png
link {...}
text Optional, Default: "Hello, world!"
The text to print
size Optional, Default: 24
The font size
color Optional, Default: "black"
The color of the font
background Optional, Default: "white"
The background color of the font
font Optional, Default: "Chunkfive.ttf"
The custom font file to use
{String} A relative link to the generated image in the form /fontimage.jsp?text=...

<static> {String} Graphics.getImageUrl(image_path, opts)
Generate a link for a resized image, using the imagine.sjs system. If the path given is remote or no resizing options are provided, the same path is returned as the result.
{String} image_path
A path to an image accessible by this organization (e.g., a filename or relative path under "images/")
{Object} opts
Parameters for the resizing (optional)
opts {...}
width Optional
The requested width of the image (may be smaller)
height Optional
The requested height of the image (may be smaller)
type Optional
Type may be 'ex', 'le', 'al', or 'co'. The default (if it's missing) is 'ex'.
  • if type is 'ex', an exact scaled image is returned. This image will have a width and height specified. This is the only case in which width and height are not both required. If only one is provided, a scaled image with the same aspect ratio as the original will be returned.
  • if type is 'le', the image will be shrunk to fit within the requested dimensions without clipping, but will be left alone if it is already smaller than them.
  • if type is 'al', the image will be either shrunk or expanded so that it just fits in the requested dimensions without clipping.
  • if type is 'co', the image will be shrunk or expanded so that it best fills the requested dimensions, usually clipping two sides.
xoffset Optional
The x-coordinate of the top-left corner of the image region to use (0 by default)
yoffset Optional
The y-coordinate of the top-left corner of the image region to use (0 by default)
xspan Optional
The width of the image region to use (the image width by default)
yspan Optional
The height of the image region to use (the image height by default)
{String} an absolute link to the scaled image, as produced by the Imagine system.

<static> {String} Graphics.gradientLink(grad)
Generate a link to a dynamically created gradient png using gradient.jsp
{Object|Array} grad
An object describing the gradient or an array of objects describing one or more gradients and files to stack in a single png
grad {...}
height Optional, Default: 100
The height of the gradient
width Optional, Default: 100
The width of the gradient
color1 Optional, Default: "white"
The first color
color2 Optional, Default: "black"
The second color
xStart Optional, Default: 0
The x coordinate of the first color point
yStart Optional, Default: 0
The y coordinate of the first color point
xEnd Optional, Default: 0
The x coordinate of the second color point
yEnd Optional, Default: grad.height
The y coordinate of the second color point
cyclic Optional, Default: false
Indicates whether the gradient should repeat itself
file Optional
The name of the static png to merge into the image
fileposition Optional, Default: position of file in array
The position of the file in the image stack
{String} A relative link to the generated image in the form /gradient.jsp?height=...

<static> {Array} Graphics.hexStringToRgb(hexstr)
Convert a CSS hexadecimal color string to an array of its red, green and blue components in decimal.
{String} hexstr
The hexidecimal color string
{Array} An array of three numbers defining the colors [Red, Green, Blue] components.

<static> {Array} Graphics.hslToRgb(h, s, l)
Convert a Hue-Saturation-Lightness color to its equivalent Red-Green-Blue definition.
{Number|Array} h
An number describing the color's hue component or an array of 3 numbers describing its [Hue, Saturation, Lightness] components.
{Number} s
A number describing the color's saturation component.
{Number} l
A number describing the color's lightness component.
{Array} An array of three numbers describing a color's red, green and blue levels.

<static> {String} Graphics.rgbToHexString(r, g, b)
Convert three numbers describing a color's red, green and blue components to a CSS hexadecimal color string.
{Number|Array} r
An number describing the color's red component or an array of 3 numbers describing its [Red, Green, Blue] components.
{Number} g
A number describing the color's green component.
{Number} b
A number describing the color's blue component.
{String} A 6 character hexadecimal CSS color string.

<static> {Array} Graphics.rgbToHsl(r, g, b)
Convert a Red-Green-Blue color to its equivalent Hue-Saturation-Lightness definition.
{Number|Array} r
An number describing the color's red component or an array of 3 numbers describing its [Red, Green, Blue] components.
{Number} g
A number describing the color's green component.
{Number} b
A number describing the color's blue component.
{Array} An array of three numbers describing a color's hue, saturation and lightness levels.

<static> {String} Graphics.scaleColor(color, scale)
Brighten or darken a color by scaling it linearly towards white or black.

Example color1 = FF0000

Example color2 = ff7f7f

Example color3 = 7f0000

 color1 = "ff0000"; //red
 color2 = Graphics.scaleColor(color1, .75); //A color halfway between red and white
 color3 = Graphics.scaleColor(color1, .25); //A color halfway between red and black
{String} color
A CSS color string
{Number} scale
A number between 0 and 1 (inclusive) determining the brightness of the color to return where:
  • 0 returns black
  • 0.5 returns the original color
  • 1 returns white
  • (0, .5) returns a color that is n/.5 between between the original color and black.
  • (.5, 1) returns a color that is (.5 - n) * 2 between between the original color and white.
{String} A hexadecimal CSS string representing the scaled color.

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