
Built-In Namespace Object

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Extend an object by merging in the members of the objects specified as parameters.
Return this object formatted as a JSON String.
Method Detail
Extend an object by merging in the members of the objects specified as parameters. Note: the merge is perfomed in-place, so the calling object can potentially be modified. The parameters are merged such that the members of the right-most parameter overwrite those of the other parameters.
	var a = { foo: "bar"; };
	print( a.toJSON() );                         // { "foo": "bar" }
	print( a.extend({ bar: "baz" }).toJSON() );  // {"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}
	print( a.toJSON() );                         // {"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"}  <-- same as above!
Source objects to merge into target.

{String} toJSON()
Return this object formatted as a JSON String.
A String representing this object in JSON format.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Tue Jun 14 2011 05:41:51 GMT-0400 (EDT)