
Namespace DB

The DB object gives developers access to the local data store. One of the more commonly used features, the DB object lets you run queries, retrieve data from the database, and save data back to the system. Any persistent data should be stored with the DB object.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
DB.addCustomColumn(object, name, type, options)
Add custom column to specified object.
DB.deleteObject(objectName, objectName_KEY)
Delete a record from the specified object.
Returns a Map object describing a database table.
Returns a Map object describing a database table.
DB.describe2AsDictionary(object, options)
describe2AsDictionary has the same function as DB.describe2, except it returns an object using the following method for key selection: field name for normal fields (i.e.
DB.getCount(object, options)
Get a summary count of information from a table.
DB.getCounts(object, options)
Get summary information from a table.
Converts a JavaScript Date into a String formatted yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
DB.getDistinctLeftJoin(objects, options)
Similar to DB.getLeftJoin except this will not return duplicate results It would then be possible to loop through the results and retrieve attributes of supporter_event and supporter objects:
DB.getDistinctObjects(object, options)
Similar to DB.getObjects, except this method will not return duplicate records.
DB.getDuplicates(object, Options)
Return a hashmap containing the fieldnames in the table
DB.getLeftJoin(objects, options)
Much like DB.getObjects, DB.getLeftJoin returns a group of results.
DB.getMax(object, maxColumn, options)
Returns the maximum of a series of rows for which all WHERE conditions are met.
DB.getMin(object, minColumn, options)
Returns the minimum of a series of rows for which all WHERE conditions are met.
DB.getObject(object, key)
DB.getObject is used to retrieve a single record from the database.
Equivalent to the mysql commands DESC and SHOW TABLE.
Get the full object identifier based on the object name that is local to the package.
DB.getObjects(object, options)
The DB.getObjects method is useful for returning many objects.
DB.getQuery(queryKey, conditions, options)
Returns the result of a pre-defined query based on the query KEY
DB.getSum(object, sumColumn, options)
Returns the sum of a series of rows in a table, after WHERE conditions are specified.
DB.getTagCounts(object, options)
Determines the number of times a particular table is tagged.
DB.getTaggedObjects(tag, object, options)
DB.getTags(object, key)
Returns the tags for a database object
DB.getUniqueKey(objectName, data)
Retrieves a unique key from the database for an object, based on comparing all the values in the data object, one by one
Determines the tags used on a particular object.
DB.hasField(table, field)
Returns whether a field is present in a given table
DB.insertObjects(targetObject, targetFields, objects, options)
Replicate the MySQL INSERT .
DB.isSyndicatedCustomField is useful for organizations using the chapters package.
Returns true if the current database contains an object/table of the given name
DB.saveObject(object, object, key)
Saves/updates a table entry.
SQL parser.
DB.tagObject(tags, objectName, objectKey)
Tag an object with a CSV of values
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> DB.addCustomColumn(object, name, type, options)
Add custom column to specified object.
{String} object
The name of the object you wish to add a custom column to.
{String} name
The name of the custom column. The column name must contain one or more alphanumeric characters or _ and nothing else.
{String} type
The type of the custom column ('varchar','text','mediumtext','int','bool','float','date','time','datetime','timestamp','enum','percent', or 'currency').
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of addCustomColumn.
options {...}
{String} label Optional
A more descriptive label.
{String[]} options Optional
Options for a field of type 'enum'.
{boolean} isReserved Optional
Custom Columns that are set exclusively by the National Organization
{boolean} exposeToChapters Optional
Custom Columns created by the National Organization, that are shared down to the chapters

<static> DB.deleteObject(objectName, objectName_KEY)
Delete a record from the specified object. Takes 2 parameters: {String} objectName and {Int or String} objectName_KEY
	DB.deleteObject('supporter', '1234');
{String} objectName
name of object to delete from
{String or Int} objectName_KEY
id of object to be deleted
Returns true if a value was deleted; otherwise, false.

<static> {Array} DB.describe(object)
Returns a Map object describing a database table.
{String} object
The table to describe.
String#escapeJS For details on how map keys are converted to JavaScript-safe variable names.

<static> {Array} DB.describe2(object)
Returns a Map object describing a database table. DB.describe2 differs from DB.describe in that it also includes custom fields associated with the object. When used in conjunction with the Form library, can be used to generate a custom form for editing a record.
    // describe custom fields for the supporter object
    print(DB.describe2('supporter').filter(function(field){ return field.isCustom; }).toJSON());
{String} object
The table to describe.
String#escapeJS For details on how map keys are converted to JavaScript-safe variable names.

<static> {Object All the fields as a key/value pair} DB.describe2AsDictionary(object, options)
describe2AsDictionary has the same function as DB.describe2, except it returns an object using the following method for key selection: field name for normal fields (i.e. First_Name) api name for custom fields data_column for fields in the supporter_custom table
{String} object
Type of object to describe (example: "supporter")
{Object} options Optional
Object with options to pass to describe
options {...}
{boolean} includeApiNamesOnly Optional
skip enumerating fields in the supporter_custom table only useful for when object === "supporter"

<static> {Integer} DB.getCount(object, options)
Get a summary count of information from a table. Returns a count of the number of items in the table, after applying WHERE conditions.
	var conditions = [
		new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'),
		new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended')
	var count = DB.getCount('supporter_event', {
		object: 'supporter_event',
		conditions: conditions,
		countColumn: _Status

	// this also works
	var count2 = DB.getCount({
		tableName: 'supporter_event',
		conditions: conditions,
		countColumn: _Status
{String} object
The table you want the summary information for.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query. Possible
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
The WHERE conditions.
{String} countColumn Optional
The name of the column on which you want the count run. If not specified, '*' will be assumed. This allows for database optimization: in some databases, COUNT(primary key) is optimized beyond COUNT(*).
The count of rows matching the conditions.

<static> {Array} DB.getCounts(object, options)
Get summary information from a table. Returns COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN for a table. Equivalent to SQL: SELECT field, count(field), sum(field), min(field), max(field) FROM object GROUP BY field
	var counts = DB.getCounts('supporter_event', {
		groupByField: ['_TYPE'],
		conditions: [ 
			new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created',
				'>=', '2008-05-01'), 
			new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended') 
		countColumn: '_Status',
		orderBy: '_Type DESC',
		limit: '50,100'
	for each(c in counts) {
		print(c._Status + ': ' + c.count);
{String} object
The table you want the summary information for.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query. Possible
options {...}
{String[]} groupByField Optional
The column(s) that by which you want to group.
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
The WHERE conditions.
{String} countColumn Optional
The column that you want the summary information for. If not specified, '*' will be assumed.
{String} orderBy Optional
The column that you want to order the query by. Supports 'orderBy ASC' or 'orderBy DESC'.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the limit and(optional) offset of the number of rows to retrieve in the form "offset, limit" such as "50, 100".
An Array of Objects. Each Object contains the groupBy field by name, and the fields count, sum, min, and max.

<static> {String} DB.getDateString(date)
Converts a JavaScript Date into a String formatted yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
{Date} date
A JavaScript Date object
A newly formatted String

<static> {Array} DB.getDistinctLeftJoin(objects, options)
Similar to DB.getLeftJoin except this will not return duplicate results It would then be possible to loop through the results and retrieve attributes of supporter_event and supporter objects:
	var conditions = [
		new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'),
		new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended')];

	var supporter_events = DB.getDistinctLeftJoin( 'supporter_event, supporter', {
		conditions: conditions
<? for each (supporter_event in supporter_events) { ?>
	Date attended: <?= supporter_event.Date_Created ?><br />
	First name: <?= supporter_event.First_Name ?><br />
	Last name: <?= supporter_event.Last_Name ?><br />
	Email: <?= supporter_event.Email ?><br />
<? }
{String} objects
Comma separated list of the tables to query. For better control of the joins, you can replace the comma between two tables with a parenthesized ON or USING expression. The objects parameter in the above example can be rewritten as 'supporter_event(supporter_KEY)supporter' or as 'supporter_event(supporter_event.supporter_KEY=supporter.supporter_KEY)supporter'.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
A Condition array to limit the objects returned.
{String[]} orderBy Optional
An array of Strings of field names by which the results will be ordered.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the offset and limit of the number of rows to retrieve in the form 'offset, limit' such as '50, 100'.
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all. These parameters may also be passed as individual arguments in the order specified here.
The number of records specified by limit if specified; otherwise the first 500 records matching the query. Note that the 500 limit is imposed by the system, and is the maximum number of records returned. If you need to get the 501st record, or any data set larger than the upper limit, you will needed to use a pagination system, using getCount(s), limit and offset.

<static> {Array} DB.getDistinctObjects(object, options)
Similar to DB.getObjects, except this method will not return duplicate records.
var supporters = DB.getDistinctObjects('supporter',
		conditions: [new Condition('First_Name', '=', 'Chris')],
		orderBy: ['Date_Created DESC'],
		limit: '50,100',
		includes: ['First_Name', 'Last_Name', 'Email']
{String} object
The name of the table you wish to query.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
A Condition array to limit the objects returned.
{String[]} orderBy Optional
An array of Strings of field names by which the results will be ordered.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the offset and limit of the number of rows to retrieve in the form 'offset, limit' such as '50, 100'
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all. These parameters may also be passed as individual arguments in the order specified here.
The number of records specified by limit if specified; otherwise the first 500 records matching the query. Note that the 500 limit is imposed by the system, and is the maximum number of records returned. If you need to get the 501st record, or any data set larger than the upper limit, you will needed to use a pagination system, using getCount(s), limit and offset.

<static> {Array} DB.getDuplicates(object, Options)
{String} object
{Object} Options Optional
An Object of optional parameters.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
A Condition array to limit the objects returned. (AKA the WHERE conditions.)
{String[]} dedupeFields Optional
A String array of fields to check for de-duplication. Defaults to all.

<static> DB.getFieldNames(tableName:)
Return a hashmap containing the fieldnames in the table
{String} tableName:
the name of the table to retrieve fieldnames for

<static> {Array} DB.getLeftJoin(objects, options)
Much like DB.getObjects, DB.getLeftJoin returns a group of results. In this case, the results will be a combination of two or more objects joined by object keys. DB.getLeftJoin is analagous to doing a left join between two or more tables in SQL. In this example, we will get all supporter information for supporters who attended events since May 1st, 2008. It would then be possible to loop through the results and retrieve attributes of supporter_event and supporter objects:
	var conditions = [
		new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'),
		new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended')];

	var supporter_events = DB.getLeftJoin( 'supporter_event, supporter', {
		conditions: conditions
<? for each (supporter_event in supporter_events) { ?>
	Date attended: <?= supporter_event.Date_Created ?><br />
	First name: <?= supporter_event.First_Name ?><br />
	Last name: <?= supporter_event.Last_Name ?><br />
	Email: <?= supporter_event.Email ?><br />
<? }
{String} objects
Comma separated list of the tables to query. For better control of the joins, you can replace the comma between two tables with a parenthesized ON or USING expression. The objects parameter in the above example can be rewritten as 'supporter_event(supporter_KEY)supporter' or as 'supporter_event(supporter_event.supporter_KEY=supporter.supporter_KEY)supporter'.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
A Condition array to limit the objects returned.
{String[]} orderBy Optional
An array of Strings of field names by which the results will be ordered.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the offset and limit of the number of rows to retrieve in the form 'offset, limit' such as '50, 100'.
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all. These parameters may also be passed as individual arguments in the order specified here.
The number of records specified by limit if specified; otherwise the first 500 records matching the query. Note that the 500 limit is imposed by the system, and is the maximum number of records returned. If you need to get the 501st record, or any data set larger than the upper limit, you will needed to use a pagination system, using getCount(s), limit and offset.

<static> {Number} DB.getMax(object, maxColumn, options)
Returns the maximum of a series of rows for which all WHERE conditions are met. Equivalent to SQL: max(<column>)
{String} object
The table for which you want the summary information.
{String} maxColumn
The name of the column of which you want the maximum value.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
The WHERE conditions. Set to 'null' if no conditions are required. var conditions = [ new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'), new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended') ]; These parameters may also be passed as individual arguments in the order specified here.
The maximum value.

<static> {Number} DB.getMin(object, minColumn, options)
Returns the minimum of a series of rows for which all WHERE conditions are met. Equivalent to SQL: min(<column>)
{String} object
The table for which you want the summary information.
{String} minColumn
The name of the column of which you want the minimum value.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
The WHERE conditions. Set to 'null' if no conditions are required. var conditions = [ new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'), new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended') ]; These parameters may also be passed as individual arguments in the order specified here.
The minumum value.

<static> DB.getObject(object, key)
DB.getObject is used to retrieve a single record from the database.
var supporter = DB.getObject('supporter', '1234');
{String} object
The name of the table to query.
{String|Integer} key Optional
The key of the object to retrieve.
An associative array with fields based on the name of the items in that table. If no match is found, { length: 0 } is returned

<static> {Object} DB.getObjectDefinition(object)
Equivalent to the mysql commands DESC and SHOW TABLE.
{String} the name of the table to describe
An Object containing the column name, type, length, and index for a table.

<static> {String} DB.getObjectId(object)
Get the full object identifier based on the object name that is local to the package. This method is most useful in cases where a package has its default database set to something other than "salsa". In the following example, the default database is "salsa.web"
{String} object
Name of the table for which to get the full id
The Object ID

<static> {Array} DB.getObjects(object, options)
The DB.getObjects method is useful for returning many objects. It requires an objectName. Other parameters are optional and limit the set of results to be returned. In its simplest form, DB.getObjects will return an array all of the objects available.
var supporters = DB.getObjects('supporter',
		conditions: [new Condition('First_Name', '=', 'Chris')],
		orderBy: ['Date_Created DESC'],
		limit: '50,100',
		includes: ['First_Name', 'Last_Name', 'Email']
{String} object
The name of the table you wish to query.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
A Condition array to limit the objects returned.
{String[]} orderBy Optional
An array of Strings of field names by which the results will be ordered.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the offset and limit of the number of rows to retrieve in the form 'offset, limit' such as '50, 100'
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all. These parameters may also be passed as individual arguments in the order specified here.
The number of records specified by limit if specified; otherwise the first 500 records matching the query. Note that the 500 limit is imposed by the system, and is the maximum number of records returned. If you need to get the 501st record, or any data set larger than the upper limit, you will needed to use a pagination system, using getCount(s), limit and offset.

<static> DB.getQuery(queryKey, conditions, options)
Returns the result of a pre-defined query based on the query KEY
	var conditions = [
		new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'),
		new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended')
{Number} queryKey
The query KEY
{Conditions[]} conditions
The WHERE conditions
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters for the query.
options {...}
{String[]} orderBy Optional
An array of Strings of field names by which the results will be ordered.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the limit and offset of the number of rows to retrieve in the form 'offset, limit' such as '50, 100'.
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all. *

<static> {Array} DB.getReport()

<static> {Integer} DB.getSum(object, sumColumn, options)
Returns the sum of a series of rows in a table, after WHERE conditions are specified.
{String} object
The table for which you want the summary information.
{String} sumColumn
The name of the column of which you want the sum total.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query.
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
The WHERE conditions. Set to 'null' if no conditions are required. var conditions = [ new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'), new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended') ];
The resulting sum.

<static> {Array} DB.getTagCounts(object, options)
Determines the number of times a particular table is tagged.
	var topTags = DB.getTagCounts('topic', {
		limit: 10,  // get 10 tags
		orderBy: 'tag DESC' // ordered by tag name
	for (var i = 0, l = topTags.length; i < l; i++) {
		print(topTags[i].tag + '<br/>');
{String} object
The name of the table to query.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing optional parameters for the function.
options {...}
{String} orderBy Optional
The column that you want to order the query by. Supports 'orderBy ASC' or 'orderBy DESC'.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the limit and (optional) offset of the number of rows to retrieve in the form "offset, limit" such as "50, 100".
An Array of objects, one for each tag, with the following properties:
  • tag
  • label
  • prefix
  • count

<static> {Array} DB.getTaggedObjects(tag, object, options)
	var donated_supporters = DB.getTaggedObjects('donated', 'supporter', {
		conditions: [new Condition('Zip', '=', '94040')],
		orderBy: 'Date_Created DESC',
		limit: '50, 100'
		includes: ['Email', 'First_Name']
{String} tag
The desired tag
{String} object
The type of object to retrieve
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query. Possible
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
The WHERE conditions.
{String} countColumn Optional
The column that you want the summary information for. If not specified, '*' will be assumed.
{String} orderBy Optional
The column that you want to order the query by. Supports 'orderBy ASC' or 'orderBy DESC'.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the limit and(optional) offset of the number of rows to retrieve in the form "offset, limit" such as "50, 100".
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all.
An Array of tagged objects. If no objects are found, returns an empty Array.

<static> {Array} DB.getTags(object, key)
Returns the tags for a database object
	var tags = DB.getTags('action', action.action_KEY);
	if (tags.length > 0) { ?> 
		<input type="hidden" name="tag" id="tag" value="<?= tags.join(',') ?>">
	<? }
{String} object
{String} key
An Array of Objects containing the tag, prefix, and label.

<static> DB.getUniqueKey(objectName, data)
Retrieves a unique key from the database for an object, based on comparing all the values in the data object, one by one

<static> DB.getValidTags()
Determines the tags used on a particular object. Like getTagCounts but will not return the exact count. This will generally return more quickly than getTagCounts if you do not need the exact totals.
    // get all the tags used on the supporter record to seed an autocompletion widget
    var autocomplete_data = DB.getValidTags('supporter');
    .autocomplete( <?=autocomplete_data.toJSON()?>, {
        matchContains: true

<static> DB.hasField(table, field)
Returns whether a field is present in a given table
{String} table
to check for field
{String} field
to check for in table

<static> DB.insertObjects(targetObject, targetFields, objects, options)
Replicate the MySQL INSERT ... SELECT functionality. Allows bulk insertion of data from one object to another. The insert version of DB.getObjects. Returns the primary key of the just inserted data.
	var conditions = [
		new Condition('supporter_event.Date_Created', '>=', '2008-05-01'),
		new Condition('supporter_event._Status', '=', 'Attended')
{String} targetObject
Table that you want to insert data into.
{Array} targetFields
Fields that you want to copy.
{String} objects
Comma seperated list of tables.
{Object} options Optional
An Object containing the optional parameters of the query. Possible
options {...}
{Condition[]} conditions Optional
A Condition array to limit the objects returned. (AKA The WHERE conditions.)
{String[]} orderBy Optional
An array of Strings of field names by which the results will be ordered.
{String} limit Optional
A String describing the limit and offset of the number of rows to retrieve in the form 'offset, limit' such as '50, 100'.
{String[]} includes Optional
A String array of fields to include in returned objects. Defaults to all.
MySQL Insert ... SELECT Documentation

<static> {boolean} DB.isSyndicatedCustomField(custom_column_KEY)
DB.isSyndicatedCustomField is useful for organizations using the chapters package. Syndicated custom fields are generated by parent chapters and are read-only.
{int} custom_column_KEY
The key of the custom field.
A boolean indicating whether or not the specified custom key is syndicated.

<static> DB.objectExists(objectName)
Returns true if the current database contains an object/table of the given name

<static> {Integer} DB.saveObject(object, object, key)
Saves/updates a table entry.
	var mySupporter = {
	    Email: '',
	    First_Name: 'Chris',
	    Last_Name: 'L',
	DB.saveObject('supporter', mySupporter);
{String} object
The name of the table to modify
{Object} object
An Object containing the fieldnames to modify as keys
{Integer} key Optional
If provided, the key of the object to update. Otherwise, a new object will be created.
The key of the object that was just saved.

<static> {DB.sqlHandler} DB.sql(sql)
SQL parser. Given a valid SQL statement, will create a DB.sqlHandler object. Currently, DB.sql is the only way to use OR conditions in your queries.
    var statement = "SELECT tag from tag_data LEFT JOIN tag USING (tag_KEY) LEFT JOIN database_table USING (database_table_KEY)";
    var handler = DB.sql(statement);
    handler = handler.include("table_name", "tag.prefix")
                     .filter(new Condition("table_name", "like", "blog_entry"))
                     .sort("count(tag_KEY) DESC");
    var results = handler.execute();
{String} sql
the SQL statement
{DB.sqlHandler} parser the DB.sqlHandler object. Can be used chained

<static> DB.tagObject(tags, objectName, objectKey)
Tag an object with a CSV of values
   DB.tagObject('myTag1, myTag2', 'report', 44);
{String} tags
a CSV of tags to save to object
{String} objectName
the object you wish to tag
{String or int} objectKey
the key of the object you wish to tag

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.0 on Thu Jun 23 2011 14:51:20 GMT-0400 (EDT)