Salsa Scoop> Friday Fiesta: advocacy, queries and veggies

Friday Fiesta: advocacy, queries and veggies

Tags: chelsea

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Happy Friday!

This week we welcomed more new staff members, so of course I had to ask them about their favorite vegetables (see Staff Trivia).

Speaking of things that are good for you, NTEN's Tech Leadership Academy might be something for you to check out.

Commons comments

This week's highlight was on our Advocacy package, and if you're wondering where things are at with legislative updates, James posted an update earlier this week.

Scott posted some great suggestions for effective targeting of your supporters, and if you'd like to hear more tips from him on efficient query use, sign up to attend our Strong Queries webinar next Tuesday, January 18.

We have some great, updated documentation on unsubscribe pages.

Our next Tweet chat is Thursday, January 25 at 1 p.m. Eastern. More details are here.

Jake posted some html tips for storefront items and if you have a custom storefront to share, please let John know.

Do you have any tips to share for how you thank your donors?

If you're working on a report and want your key field to show up as a link, I suggest updating your field label under the Columns tab.

Do you ever have trouble with spacing between lines or paragraphs in your email blasts? Here are some tips which may help.

Please remember that our office will be closed this coming Monday, January 17 in honor of the holiday.

Have a good weekend!

Salsa Staff Trivia

What's your favorite vegetable?

Allen, Salsa Support Specialist: Potatoes! They can be used in so many ways, and they are always delicious.

Jake, Salsa Support Specialist: Does garlic count? Or is it more of an herb/flavoring? If not, then sweet potatoes.

Russell, Developer: Green Chard, cooked with onions, garlic, hot peppers, and of course ... bacon.

Scott, Enterprise Support Specialist: Brussel sprouts with parmesan cheese and some olive oil is pretty much the most delicious thing ever.


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