Classes and Events

1/7 Complete Campaign

Tags: new_user

Salsa 101 Series: Create a Complete Campaign
Friday, January 7, 2011, 2pm EST

You have imported your data and templates, set up your first donation page and action, and are putting the final touches to your email blast.  Now learn how to put all the steps together for your first complete online campaign!  This training will teach you how to link your Salsa tools together to create a smooth campaign workflow and track all of its pieces for easy reporting. Intended for new users who have attended the earlier trainings in the Salsa 101 series.

Limited space available -- RSVP today! (All times are Eastern.)



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Thanks for sharing the information about the online campaign. This training will teach you how to link your Salsa tools together to create a smooth campaign workflow and track all of its pieces for easy reporting. g4 Nederland I like your post and keep sharing this kind of info.

This post will discuss the details regarding creating a complete campaign. It teaches you on how to visit this page link your Salsa tools together to create a smooth campaign workflow and track all of its pieces for easy reporting. I am looking here for more details and to keep up the good work.


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