Classes and Events

11/24 Prospective New Clients

Prospective New Clients Webinar: Wed, November 24, 2010. 2pm EDT

This is a 1 hour informational webinar for prospective Salsa users (NOT EXISTING MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS). We will go over the basics of the platform and the give an overview of most popular packages*, which include email blasting, advocacy, donations and events. If you have any questions about this webinar, e-mail If you're an over-achiever and dig homework, check out to learn more about Salsa before the webinar. What is a package? In the Salsa world we call a set of tools a package. (All times are Eastern.)

Please enter your email address, check any applicable boxes below, and click RSVP to register for the webinar.




Do you have heard about the Salsa webinar for the salsa users? CBD Benefits It is called a set of tool packages. If you need to know more about this before the class check at the SalsaCommons to know in detail. Attend the webinar.

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