Salsa Scoop> Salsa Weekly Highlight: Schedule regular exports of query results

Salsa Weekly Highlight: Schedule regular exports of query results

by Leslie Hall

(From this week's Weekly Highlight email. Click here to sign up to receive it in your inbox every Wednesday!)

It's the "Weekly Salsa Highlight," your quick hit on what's new in Salsa to help get the most out of your online program. As always, you can find plenty more news, updates, and conversation throughout the week on

This week, I wanted to flag another oft-overlooked feature that's actually been in Salsa for a while.

Schedule recurring exports of Query results

Almost all Salsa users take advantage of Queries to segment or export their supporter lists.

For queries you need to execute regularly, you can let Salsa do the work for you by scheduling them to run automatically.

You'll find the Advanced Export Options link on the "Take Action" step of the query builder, after you've built a query on your supporter list.

Image: The Advanced Export Options link in the Query tool

Once you click Advanced Export Options, you'll be redirected to a panel that lets you tell Salsa to email these query results to any address you choose.

Just set the export to run "On a schedule" (instead of "immediately") and you can have this query hit your inbox every Monday morning, at the end of every month, or at any other interval you choose -- without you having to remember to run it by hand ever again!

Image: Setting up a scheduled export

I hope this highlight helps your queries roar like a lion ('cause it's March) as you gear up for spring.


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