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Long-Term Care Consumers Family Members Advocates

Urge Congress to Continue the Money Follows the Person Program!

The future of the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program is at risk.  Tell Congress to continue the MFP program by entering your zip code below. 

Enacted in 2005, the MFP program is one of the longest running, most successful Medicaid demonstrations.  MFP has assisted more than 75,000 long-term care consumers with moving into a setting of their choice, and has helped 44 states improve access to home and community-based services.  In addition, the MFP program provides an important quality framework and data collection and reporting requirements to build a solid state HCBS infrastructure.

MFP improves the lives of long-term care consumers and does so in a more cost-effective way than other settings.  MFP is a program where everyone wins: individuals regain their independence, and state and federal governments save money because it costs less to provide services and supports in the community rather than in an institution.  That's why nearly every state has participated in the program!

Independent evaluations have proven MFP improves the quality of life for individuals, and reduced Medicaid and Medicare expenditures by approximately 23%. Unfortunately, MFP expired September 30, 2016, and states are running out of funding.

As a result, states are scaling back their programs, reducing dedicated staff and crucial resources. Last year was the first time that the number of people transitioned to the community declined. Without action NOW, the program will lose progress.

Senators Portman (R-OH) and Cantwell (D-WA) have introduced bipartisan legislation (EMPOWER Care Act - S. 2227) to improve and extend the program for five years.

Enter your zip code below to send a pre-crafted email to your Senators.  You're invited to personalize your message if you wish.  You can use the following talking points to personalize your message:

-The Money Follows the Person Program brings long-term care consumers back home to their communities.

-The Money Follows the Person program gives consumers greater control over the lives.

-It’s fiscally responsible! MFP improves the quality of life of individuals while saving states and the federal government Medicaid funding.

-The program expired over a year ago. Without additional funding, states could scale back programs, potentially withdrawing long-term care services from people who need it.

-Talk about why this is important for you or someone you know, and your state. MFP frees people! MFP keeps families together! MFP reduces waiting lists! 

This action is no longer active.

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Consumer Voice ClearinghouseYour one-stop destination for long-term care information

Help to Honor World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15th June 03, 2014

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th, 2014. Find out more information about how you can participate in this important event.

Take Action
Let Your Legislators Know You Support Elder Justice Funding! May 02, 2014

Elder abuse is rising, while federal funding for the Elder Justice Act has remained the same – nothing. However, progress may finally be underway. The President has done his part and included important elder justice funding in his budget. Now it’s up to Congress! Tell your legislators to support the Administration’s request today.

Take Action
Tell Congress to Reauthorize the Older Americans Act! April 25, 2014

The OAA was supposed to be reauthorized in 2011.  With every day that passes, the future of critical programs that serve seniors is more and more uncertain.  Help us send a message to Congress about this important program.

Take Action
Progress on the Elder Justice Initiative in the Senate, but your help is still needed! June 11, 2014

Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education concluded the markup of its Fiscal Year Appropriations bill. This legislation, which puts forth funding amounts for all programs under the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education, included $10 million for the President’s Elder Justice Initiative. However, your help is still needed to urge Congress to fund this important initiative!

Action Update
Join Us for the Virtual Kick-Off of our Staffing Campaign! June 11, 2014

You are invited to the Virtual Kickoff of our Nursing Home Staffing Public Awareness Campaign; Tuesday, June 24, 2014; 2:00 – 3:15 pm ET. This 75 minute webinar/teleconference that will include both an official launch and an educational and action component.

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Consumer Voice Staff Present on Nursing Home Transitions June 09, 2014

On May 28th, the Consumer Voice’s Sara Cirba and Amity Overall Laib presented in a webinar hosted by the National Legal Resource Center entitled “Supporting Consumers Who Transition Out of Nursing Homes.”

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Applications Now Available For FREE Advocacy Skills Trainings! June 09, 2014

As part of our Consumers for Quality Care, No Matter Where initiative, the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (Consumer Voice) is offering FREE state-based, in-person advocacy trainings for individuals and groups with the capacity to make an impact on policy and contribute to the Consumer Voice’s national efforts. Applications for these trainings are now available - we welcome long-term care ombudsman programs, Citizen Advocacy Groups, family/caregiving groups, consumer alliances, disability groups, community organizations, senior organizations and others to apply to receive these trainings.

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