Specialized Information for:

Long-Term Care Consumers Family Members Advocates

Current Actions

  • Support improved emergency measures for nursing home residents!

    Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) and Congressman Tim Walberg (R-MI) have introduced a bill that would better protect nursing home residents during and after emergencies. Key provisions include requiring nursing homes to have alternative sources of energy capable of heating, cooling and ventilation for at least 4 days; requiring states to prioritize nursing homes in the same manner as hospitals are prioritized in All-Hazards Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Plans; and authorizing civil monetary penalties up to $100,000 for non-compliance resulting in a resident’s death. To read the bill, copy and paste the following link in your browser: https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr4704/BILLS-115hr4704ih.pdf.

    To increase the chances of success, the bill needs as much congressional support and as many cosponsors as possible right from the beginning.  Members of Congress are more likely to support or sign on to a bill if it has support from national organizations and state/local groups/programs from their state. 

    Please show your support for the bill by agreeing to have your organization’s name listed on a letter from Congresswoman Wassermann Schultz and Congressman Walberg to their colleagues in the House asking Representatives to join them in enacting these commonsense reforms.  To indicate your support, fill out your organization's name and other information below by January 19, 2018.

  • test


  • Submit Comments to CMS on the Federal Nursing Home Regulations

    Dear Action Network Member:

    Although we had hoped you could use our own online system below to submit comments, we’ve experienced “technical difficulties” (really!). Apparently the comments are too lengthy.

    You still have two ways to submit your comments.

    1. Through the federal government’s website, www.regulations.gov.

    • Go to www.regulations.gov.
    • Type CMS-2015-0083 in the "SEARCH" box.
    • Click the blue "Comment Now!" box.
    • In the "Comments" box, paste in our sample comments available here or write your own.
    • Enter your information (name, e-mail, etc.).
    • Hit "Continue."
    • Review your submission and check box about filing on a publicly viewable website.
    • Hit "Submit."

    2. Through us. Just send your comments to us by email and we will submit them for you. Here’s how you do it:

    • Click here to download our sample comments. You can choose to use our sample comments or write your own.
    • After completing your comments, e-mail them to us at info@theconsumervoice.org (with the subject line referring to comments on the federal regulations). In your e-mail, include your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and organization.
    • Get these comments to us by no later than September 13th - we will then send them to CMS on your behalf by the September 14th deadline!

  • Tell Congress that Better Staffing is the Key to Better Care!


    We know that higher levels of staffing lead to better care, but the federal government does not require nursing homes to have at least a minimum number of staff on duty. As a result, every day across the country there are nursing home residents who aren’t getting the care they need because there aren’t enough aides and nurses.  Even the best nurses and nurse aides can’t deliver quality care if there aren’t enough of them. This is an issue that affects all of us; more than 40% of Americans who reach the age of 65 will spend some time in a nursing home during their remaining years. 

    We need your help in reaching out to Congress to advocate for adequate staffing to protect the safety and well-being of nursing home residents. Let your legislators know that our country's most vulnerable citizens deserve no less!

    We have drafted an e-mail letter you can send to legislators in your district and state. Please PERSONALIZE this letter (for example, through providing your experiences with understaffing in nursing facilities and the impact understaffing has on the quality of nursing home care) and send to your legislators using the form below!

    For more information on Consumer Voice's Staffing Campaign, click here.

  • Tell Congress to Support Elder Justice Funding!

    Elder abuse is rising, while federal funding for the Elder Justice Act has remained the same – nothing. However, progress may finally be underway. The President’s FY 2015 budget request included $25 Million for an Elder Justice Initiative, which would create an Adult Protective Services (APS) National Data System, develop APS program standards, and support evidence-based research regarding elder abuse. This initiative is important for the following reasons: these provisions were part of the Elder Justice Act that passed with the Affordable Care Act, but were never funded; federal funding has never been appropriated to establish a national infrastructure for Adult Protective Services (there is currently no national database or national standards); elder abuse occurs in the community and long-term care facilities and victims of abuse have a 300% higher risk of death compared to individuals that have not been abused.

    The President has done his part and included this important elder justice funding in his budget. Now it's up to Congress! Tell your legislators to support the Administration’s request today.

Consumer Voice ClearinghouseYour one-stop destination for long-term care information

Help to Honor World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 15th June 03, 2014

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15th, 2014. Find out more information about how you can participate in this important event.

Take Action
Let Your Legislators Know You Support Elder Justice Funding! May 02, 2014

Elder abuse is rising, while federal funding for the Elder Justice Act has remained the same – nothing. However, progress may finally be underway. The President has done his part and included important elder justice funding in his budget. Now it’s up to Congress! Tell your legislators to support the Administration’s request today.

Take Action
Tell Congress to Reauthorize the Older Americans Act! April 25, 2014

The OAA was supposed to be reauthorized in 2011.  With every day that passes, the future of critical programs that serve seniors is more and more uncertain.  Help us send a message to Congress about this important program.

Take Action
Progress on the Elder Justice Initiative in the Senate, but your help is still needed! June 11, 2014

Yesterday, the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-HHS-Education concluded the markup of its Fiscal Year Appropriations bill. This legislation, which puts forth funding amounts for all programs under the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), and Education, included $10 million for the President’s Elder Justice Initiative. However, your help is still needed to urge Congress to fund this important initiative!

Action Update
Join Us for the Virtual Kick-Off of our Staffing Campaign! June 11, 2014

You are invited to the Virtual Kickoff of our Nursing Home Staffing Public Awareness Campaign; Tuesday, June 24, 2014; 2:00 – 3:15 pm ET. This 75 minute webinar/teleconference that will include both an official launch and an educational and action component.

News Article
Consumer Voice Staff Present on Nursing Home Transitions June 09, 2014

On May 28th, the Consumer Voice’s Sara Cirba and Amity Overall Laib presented in a webinar hosted by the National Legal Resource Center entitled “Supporting Consumers Who Transition Out of Nursing Homes.”

News Article
Applications Now Available For FREE Advocacy Skills Trainings! June 09, 2014

As part of our Consumers for Quality Care, No Matter Where initiative, the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care (Consumer Voice) is offering FREE state-based, in-person advocacy trainings for individuals and groups with the capacity to make an impact on policy and contribute to the Consumer Voice’s national efforts. Applications for these trainings are now available - we welcome long-term care ombudsman programs, Citizen Advocacy Groups, family/caregiving groups, consumer alliances, disability groups, community organizations, senior organizations and others to apply to receive these trainings.

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