Forests Forever

Restore • Reinhabit • Re-enchant

Let’s save Berryessa / Snow Mountain!

Just north of San Francisco Bay lies a 100-mile-long swath of stunning California wildlands.

The 350,000-acre Berryessa / Snow Mountain region is home to mountain lions, black bears, river otters, tule elk, and bald and golden eagles, as well as rare plants found nowhere else in the world.

This rich, biodiverse area serves as an important source of clean drinking water for nearby cities and towns, as well as providing a broad array of recreation opportunities on its miles of trails, and open spaces, rivers, lakes, savannas and forests.

Several California members of Congress have for years sought protection for the region as a National Conservation Area, but Congressional gridlock has stopped these proposals in their tracks.

Now the time has come to break the logjam! Click here for a detailed map of the Berryessa / Snow Mountain region.

Join with us in urging President Obama today to use his executive powers to protect the Berryessa / Snow Mountain region as a national monument!

For more information on this campaign click here

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Forests Forever:
Their Ecology, Restoration, and Protection
John J. Berger

from Forests Forever Foundation
and the Center for American Places