How to Publish Your Code on Salsa

Develop Your App or Custom Package

While in development, by default you work off of your local copy of the master branch. When you push your code to master:
git checkin -a -m "my new code"
git push origin master
using git, or simply saving your work in webdav, you will see those changes reflected in your developer account. For example, if your code defines a new tab in the Salsa HQ, once you push your code, the new tab will appear when you log into your developer account the next time you log in.

Packages vs Projects vs Apps

Projects is a term used by GIT to define a working directory of code that is synced together, so when you tell git to push when in that working directory, it sends all the currently checked-in code to the Salsa (origin) remote server. You can learn more about the inner workings of how gitroious manages code in this writeup.

Packages is a java term that refers to a set of code that can then be imported for use by some other code. Simply put packages=libraries. In this case, Salsa's code is importing YOUR code using this framework.

Apps are packages that are available via the Salsa Market. They can be automatically installed on a Salsa user's account at time of purchase.

Push Your Code to Production

When you're ready to publish your code, go to the Developer Tools package of your HQ. Choose "publish my projects...", and select the project you would like to publish. By publishing you project, the Developer Tools takes your latest code from the master branch and merges it into the production branch, then deploys it on the Salsa servers. Your code is now "live".

You can publish your code as many times as you need, as you make improvements. Just be aware that any Salsa client who has your package installed will see these changes the next time they log into the HQ or request a public page.

Custom Packages for Specific Clients

You work for an existing Salsa customer(s) and you've been working on building some really cool custom functionality to enhance their Salsa functionality. Now how do you get your Salsascript working on their organization account?

Register, then Install

The first thing that needs to happen is you need to register your package with Salsa. To do this, email with the Following information:
  • organization_KEY of your developer account - you can find that at the footer of any page in your HQ (Ali Note: add screenshot)
  • name of the project
  • path to your package - this is the toplevel directory of the code that comprises your package. It does not have to be the entire package! In fact you may find that its best to use subdirectories for different versions or different components that can be used separately or together.
  • name of your package - this is the name that will appear in "account -> Manage your packages" of the customer's HQ
Once your package is registered, it is ready to be installed. Have a Super Admin from the organization that would like to install your package email with the following information:
  • name of the package
  • organization_KEY of their account - found in the same place in the footer

Selling Your App in the Salsa Market

Email for details.