Posts by: Chris

PowerThru Consulting: 10 Minutes to a Bigger, Better Button on Your Salsa Action.

by Drew Hudson, PowerThru Consulting

My company was literally built on Salsa. When we decided to start PowerThru, we signed the incorporation papers at the 2010 Salsa users conference and celebrated by hosting a margarita reception.

Today, PowerThru is a nimble team of tech strategists that specialize in building and customizing Salsa tools for the 3000+ organizations and tens of millions of members who use Salsa every day. We make custom actions for the Wisconsin recall elections, train the AFL-CIO network and manage the TrueMajority list of 3/4-of-a-million members every day.

But of all the things we do on Salsa, the thing people ask for more than any other is bigger, more beautiful buttons. So here's a quick tutorial on how to add any button you want to your Salsa action using some grab-n-go CSS and a little PowerThru technology.

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Here's the CSS code you need:

#submitSignPetition {
width: 235px;
height: 90px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
background: transparent url(http://www.theurlofyourphotohere.jpg) no-repeat center top;
text-indent: -1000em;
cursor: pointer; /* hand-shaped cursor */
cursor: hand; /* for IE 5.x */

What you need to do is 3 simple steps:

  1. Upload your image somewhere – on your Salsa center, a WordPress site, Flickr, wherever. Just put the image online and copy the link.
    Also make a note of your image’s dimensions (width and height) because you’ll need that in step 3.
  2. Copy and paste the sample CSS code above into the source view of the first tab of your action (the one called “petition information”) Make sure you are looking at the “source” view when you do this and make sure you copy the intro and exit tags

    • Replace the URL http://www.theurlofyourphotohere.jpg with the URL of your button from step 1. Then replace the width and height with the correct dimensions of your button from 1.1

    Oh - and don't forget that your new action button will look better if its accompanied by a goal-o-meter to track the progress of donations or signers, and a custom tell a friend page with enhanced social media functions - just 2 of the great PowerThru products available for sale on the Salsa Marketplace.

    Until next time!

    Drew Hudson
    Partner | PowerThru LLC

    This is a Salsa Partner Post.  Our partners are an essential part of the Salsa Community. We've found only the very best groups that offer top-notch services to help you with everything from web design and development, fundraising strategies, communication and PR, to marketing and outreach.

    Several of our partners are also extending the Salsa platform in ways that even surprise us! We give them the most open, flexible, and customizable platform, and they give you the tools that work for your organization in the way that YOU want.

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6/14 Reports 1

Reports 1 Webinar: Tue., June 14. 1pm EST

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5/25 Email 2

Email 2 Webinar: Wed., May 25. 3pm EST

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5/20 Reports 1

Reports 1 Webinar: Fri., May 20. 1pm EST

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4/22 Donations 1

Donations 1 Webinar: Fri, Apr. 22. 1pm EST

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4/13 Reports 2

Reports 2 Webinar: Wed, Apr. 13. 2pm EST

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3/25 Email 2

Email 2 Webinar: Fri, Mar. 25. 1pm EST

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3/9 Reports 1

Reports 1 Webinar: Wed, Mar 9. 3pm EST

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3/2 Email 1

Email 1 Webinar: Wed, Mar. 2. 3pm EST

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Adding a drop-down list of designation options to Salsa donation pages

Salsa's donation pages have a built-in Designation Code option that will provide an open-ended text box allowing donors to designate a program or campaign to support.

While a write-in text box is useful for many, others may want to provide a pre-set list of campaigns from which donors can choose. 

This can be accomplished by pasting some custom HTML in the "Pre-Donation Text" area of a donation page (which is located in the "Optional Text" tab of a donation page workflow).

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