Salsa Scoop> And Congratulations To ...

And Congratulations To ...

... several political users of the same toolset that powers DemocracyInAction who, like Virginia Governor Tim Kaine in 2005, worked through advocacy shop WiredForChange, and now sport titles that end in "-elect". Joe Sestak for Congress (PA) Chris Carney for Congress (PA) Jim Doyle/Barbara Lawton (WI Governor and Lieutenant Governor) Kathleen Sibelius (KA Governor) Paul Morrison (KA Attorney General) John Chiang (CA Controller) (pause to take a breath) ... AND ... four Senatorial candidates working through the DSCC, which makes the same tools freely available to any Democrat running for Senate: Ben Cardin (MD) Claire McCaskill (MO) Sherrod Brown (OH) Jon Tester (MT) DemocracyInAction: Strong enough for a Senator. Made for an NGO.


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