Salsa Scoop> Talk About Us Behind Our Backs

Talk About Us Behind Our Backs

The complex of discussion lists, web forums and what-not devoted to chattering about issues of nonprofit tech nology has grown to a mid-sized anthill.

And needless to say, those of us who peddle wares hither and yon make it our business to keep an eye on them, and the fact of our respective eyeballs' conspicuous presence, ever alert to poach one another's customers or stanch negative vibes before the discussion really gets going ... well, I like to think we contribute something to the conversation, but it's also a factor closing off that important space for nonprofits to speak freely among themselves.

No more.

Via the initiative of the excellent Confessions of a Non-Profit IT Director blog comes a new NTEN affinity group specifically for nonprofit IT workers, with access restricted to keep out the salesfolk.  This space needs more stuff like this, and I wouldn't be surprised if demand from among non-techie staff operating on the user side caused the group to either stretch its mandate or generate a sibling.


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