Salsa Scoop> TechSoup Demystifies Web 2.0 for Nonprofits

TechSoup Demystifies Web 2.0 for Nonprofits

A free event all next week right here -- all about how slick new communication media can help nonprofits. The announcement is a big cagey on particulars, but it looks like it's going to be done in the discussion forum, loosely structured by some set pieces from the speakers' gallery.

Relevant excerpt:

We will discuss issues such as:
*What is Web 2.0?
*How can you use an RSS feed to receive information and share your own content with others?
*What on earth is a Wiki? How is it better than the old-fashioned Web site?
*What is tagging, and how is it relevant? How can you learn from others' Web searches?
*What are widgets, and how can these new tools help you solve old problems?
*How can an online social network help your organization find volunteers?

If you've been dying to learn the answers and pepper your board reports with such head-spinning Web 2.0 lexicology as, er, "Web 2.0," browse on over starting Monday. And don't forget TechSoup's discussion forums, tip sheets and cut-rate software ... 365 days a year.  TechSoup, which is venerable by Internet terms, is doing its own v. 2.0 redevelopment, too.


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