Salsa Scoop> Third Thursday - May 19, 2011

Third Thursday - May 19, 2011

Summer is a time for rolling out "the new you", and Salsa is no different! While we're still a month away from the first official day of summer, we want to show off some of our new swimsuit-ready features.

We'll be doing just that at our monthly Third Thursday on May 19th. We've released 8 updates to Salsa since 2011 began, and we want to give you the scoop on both how our release process works, as well as what the features are and how you can best utilize them in your campaigns.

Instead of our usual two hour session, we'll be cutting this one down to an hour, from 5pm to 6pm, and covering the following topics:
 - All about the Salsa release process
 - Electronic fund transfers
 - Group triggers
 - Single click events with Facebook integration

And as usual, we also want you to stick around for our happy hour! From 6-8:30pm, we'll have some great brews on tap, red and white wines, tasty nosh, sociable Salsa staff, and - of course - your fellow comrades in the progressive movement, all mixed and mingled for your enjoyment.

We want to hear from you - let us know you're coming by clicking here.

If you can't make it in person but want to hear more about our new features, register for our simulcast webinar here.

Just coming for the happy hour? Let us know here so we don't run out of victuals.

Those aren't the only changes we're showing off. Trina Zahller - who has led the Training department at Salsa from nothing into the documentation-rich, videos-everywhere, webinar-for-everything-you-can-imagine font of knowledge - is headed off to graduate school for a Masters in Social Work at Smith College. It's hard to overstate the impact she's had on everyone who learns to use Salsa, but it's easy to understate how much she'll be missed in the Salsa community.

But Jake Patoski - that's me, by the way - is stepping in from the Salsa Support team to take over the reins of the Training and Online Learning Coordinator position. (Excuse the awkward shift of person in my writing.) I'm looking forward to providing all of our users with multiple channels for learning about Salsa - from thorough guides and in-depth videos, to specialized trainings and interactive learning opportunities. As our webinar program and Third Thursdays roll on, you'll be seeing my name on your weekly and monthly reminders - as well as on a number of other new ideas I've got up my sleeve.


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