California: Demand High-Speed Broadband Access For All

Senator Lena Gonzalez has introduced legislation (S.B. 1130), which would allow the California state government to actively promote the transition of the state’s legacy communications infrastructure into a multi-gigabit fiber network that is competitive, affordable, and available to all residents that lack high-speed broadband.

Californians: tell your lawmakers all Californians should have access to high-speed broadband and you support S.B. 1130.

California’s broadband infrastructure has for years suffered from a lack of state policy promoting competition and 21st-century ready access. The legislation would put California on par with its international competitors, end the digital divide for Californians, and prevent a repeat of the lack of connectivity challenges residents have faced with social distancing, remote education, and working from home.

With rare exception, most Californians are forced to rely on either their cable monopoly, or have no high-speed access to broadband to participate in the gigabit era. This inequitable access is the result of policy choices—and new policies can resolve it. Tell your lawmakers to support S.B. 1130.

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