Help protect mobile location privacy in California with SB 1434

Right now, a bill that would help protect the privacy of every Californian carrying a cell phone is sitting on Governor Brown's desk, just waiting for his signature. That bill, SB 1434, would require law enforcement agencies to get a search warrant before they get sensitive location data, like your cell phone location information. We need your support to pass it.

As Internet-connected cell phones have become increasingly ubiquitous, so has their ability to track their owners with frightening precision. But the law is still not clear on the legal standard for law enforcement agencies who request that data. SB 1434 clears up the confusion and strikes the right balance, granting law enforcement access to that sensitive data only when they obtain a search warrant.

Help ensure that this bill becomes a law by writing Governor Brown to let him know how important your personal privacy is. California is a leader in technology. It should be a leader in the laws surrounding that technology.

Please select "SB01434: Location information: warrants" on the next page.