Don’t Let Congress Use "Cybersecurity" Fears to Trample on Civil Liberties
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We love it when people use the EFF action center to email their Senators - but when it comes to cybersecurity legislation pending in the Senate, it's too late for emails. Instead, we're asking concerned citizens to visit the American Library Association's website to call their Senators. ALA's simple tool will call your phone and give you a script. Senators will find out about these calls daily. We are also asking individuals to tweet at the Senate.
Again, it will take several days for emails to be delivered, but calls and tweets will be noticed immediately. Please act now.
Visit ALA to use their calling tool.
Use EFF's Senatorial Twitter Handle Detection Tool to tweet at your Senator.
UPDATE: Responding to the concerns of the Internet community, the Senate has introduced a new cybersecurity bill (S 3414) that addresses some of the most significant privacy concerns. While not perfect, S 3414 includes strong new privacy protections. Thanks for speaking out!
Unfortunately, these new protections are under threat. They could be watered down or removed entirely during Floor amendments. We need users to contact their Senators immediately and ask them to safeguard privacy by supporting privacy-protective amendments and opposing any amendment that would weaken these protections.
We’re also deeply concerned about the provisions of the proposed legislation around monitoring and countermeasures. Currently, the bill specifically authorizes companies to use cybsersecurity as an excuse for engaging in nearly unlimited monitoring of user data or countermeasures (like blocking or dropping packets). This language is overly broad and could be interpreted by an overzealous ISP as letting them block privacy-protective technologies like Tor. Please ask your Senator to support amendments to address these serious flaws.
This bill is moving quickly, and this may be our last chance to speak out.