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The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care

April 29, 2014

Consumer Voice Urges Congress to Support the Elder Justice Initiative

The Consumer Voice is urging Congress to support the President’s FY 2015 budget that includes an Elder Justice Initiative of $25 million. Adult Protective Services, the only agency statutorily authorized to help the elderly and disabled, lacks reliable data and guidance on conducting abuse case investigations.  A recent survey of Adult Protective Services programs around the country found that the majority of programs need resources for data collection, more collaboration, research and technical assistance.

The Elder Justice Initiative proposed in the President's budget addresses these issues. The Initiative includes $13.8 million in funding for Adult Protective Services and will help create an APS National Data System and technical assistance as well as national demonstration grants to both enhance data systems and develop program standards and evaluation. It will also provide $11.2 million for research, including research on elder abuse screening, and will establish a better knowledge base about elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. This research is needed in order to establish credible benchmarks for elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation prevention as well as program development and evaluation.  The funding would be used to create an Adult Protective Services (APS) National Data System, develop APS program standards, and support evidence-based research regarding elder abuse.

To stay informed about this issue and action needed to support the Elder Justice Initiative budget request, join the Consumer Voice Action Network.

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Celebrating John Weir's Contributions to the Long-Term Care Advocacy Community

The Consumer Voice would like to honor the advocacy of John Weir as he celebrates his retirement.  John was a longtime member of the Consumer Voice Board of Directors and served as President from 2010-2012. He also was an ombudsman in Michigan for 26 years (the longest serving ombudsman in the state's history).  He is a certified Eden Associate and has run a regional support group for homes that have started the culture change journey.  He organized a local Chapter of the Michigan Campaign for Quality Care in the Kalamazoo area and has conducted fundraisers for the state group as well.

John was awarded the Wilma Douahue Award by the Elder Law & Advocacy Section of the State Bar of Michigan for both his years of service to his clients and the leadership he provided to the other 7 regional Ombudsman offices around the State. He was also recognized by the Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging & the Office of Services to the Aging for his dedication & commitment to assisting persons who were relocated to nursing homes in his area after Hurricane Katrina. 

In his advocacy, he has worked to help families and residents learn about their rights and to expect to receive quality care in the setting of their choice.  John Weir has been a pillar of great advocacy and Consumer Voice is grateful for his contributions to ensuring quality long-term care.

Many supporters in the Consumer Voice network have chosen to honor John with a contribution. Consider making a donation to the Consumer Voice in honor of John Weir.

Don't Leave Money on the Table!

Our 2014 Matching Campaign is helping Consumer Voice to match the challenges of long-term care.  These challenges include a rapidly changing environment in which managed care companies are taking a much bigger role in decisions affecting consumers, including which long-term care services will be paid for.  Consumer Voice is working with ombudsmen and advocates across the U.S. to address these issues and to help ensure that consumer interests are not compromised by financial priorities.

The Matching Campaign also provides contributors with a unique opportunity to multiply the value of their own gift.  The Consumer Voice Governing Board has established a fund to match new and increased contributions (over and above any 2013 contribution).

The Matching Fund has over $7,000 remaining to double your donation.  The campaign is now in its final week.  Please join the campaign and make your donation today.  And let’s not leave a single dime for Consumer Voice on the table.

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Consumer Voice to Co-Host Tweet Chat on 5/14 in Honor of Older Americans Month

On May 14th from 2-3pm Eastern, the Consumer Voice will be partnering with the Direct Care Alliance (DCA) and the Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA) to host a tweet chat in honor of Older Americans Month.  The focus of the chat will be on person and family-centered long-term services and supports and a strong, well-trained and supported eldercare workforce.  We’ll be asking questions about what quality person and family-centered care and services for older adults means to you and your loved ones, as well as how you think the eldercare workforce can support older adults’ quality care and quality of life across all settings.  To participate in the tweet chat, log onto twitter.com at 2:00pm Eastern.  In the search bar at the top, type in #OAM2014@ConsumerVoices, @DCAorg and @ElderCareTeam will be using the #OAM2014 hashtag in all of our tweets so you can follow the conversation.  If you have any questions, contact Sara Cirba, Advocacy and Development Associate, at scirba@theconsumervoice.org.  We look forward to speaking with you on the 14th!

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Pioneer Network Releases Engaging Staff in Individualizing Care 12 Webinar DVD Set

Pioneer Network has released "Engaging Staff in Individualizing Care," a 12 webinar DVD set.  The webinars focus on the following four organizational practices to achieve improvements in clinical, human resource and business outcomes:

  • Consistent or dedicated assignment
  • Shift huddles
  • Involving CNAs in care planning
  • QI closest to the resident
The webinars were part of a core curriculum used by 49 nursing homes in nine states during a Pioneer Network project funded by the Retirement Research Foundation.  The DVD set includes 5 DVDs, one for each of the five series of webinars:
  • Series 1: Integrating the MDS 3.0 into Daily Practice
  • Series 2: Clinical Applications
  • Series 3: Individualizing Care and QAPI: Two Keys for Reducing Anti-psychotic Medications
  • Series 4: Reducing Anti-psychotics Through Individualized Care - Medical Perspective and Case Studies
  • Series 5: Working Together for Better Outcomes: Relational Coordination for Quality Improvement
For more information, visit the Pioneer Network Online Store.

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Radio PSA Available from the "Got an Hour? Give it Back" Campaign

The Got an Hour? Give it Back Campaign has released a new free radio Public Service Announcement.  The PSA can be downloaded and shared to highlight volunteer activities that help the Aging Network and market the "Got an Hour?" website as a place for people to find volunteer opportunities.

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Nominate Your Volunteer Team for an Award

Nominations are being accepted for the Daily Point of Light Award.  This award honors those who are helping create change and meet community needs.  Every week day, a volunteer or volunteer effort is recognized.

The President's Volunteer Service Award recognizes and honors volunteers who have achieved the required number of hours of service. 

You can nominate yourself, your team or someone you know for either award.

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Free Online Course on Dementia Care for Prescribers and Non-Prescribers from AMDA

AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine - has a free online course for prescribers and non-prescribers to help them better care for persons in nursing facilities with the goal to decrease unnecessary antipsychotics. "Dementia CPG for Prescribers and Non-Prescribers" is a 5-hour professional development experience that focuses on the recognition, assessment, treatment and monitoring of dementia in the long-term care facility.  Register now.

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Upcoming Webinars:

  • Are You Ready to Become Powered by Pro Bono? June 10, 2014 2:00pm EST - This interactive presentation, sponsored by The Aging Network's Volunteer Collaborative, will discuss the challenges and benefits of capacity building, the central elements of pro bono/skills-based volunteering, ways to get started, and best practices and resources in the field.
  • Elder Abuse and Neglect of Persons with Dementia - What We Know and Where We Are Going May 8, 2014 3:00pm EST - Event is FULL but recording will be available after. This webinar, sponsored by the Administration for Community Living and the Administration on Aging, will focus on elder abuse and neglect as it relates to people with dementia. Presenter: Dr. Laura Mosqueda, Co-Director of the National Center on Elder Abuse.

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About The Gazette

The Gazette is a weekly e-newsletter, published by the National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care and the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center. If you do not wish to continue receiving this publication, please unsubscribe. Your contributions and comments are welcome and should be sent to info@theconsumervoice.org. Copyright © 2014.

The Consumer Voice is the leading national voice representing consumers in issues related to long-term care, helping to ensure that consumers are empowered to advocate for themselves. We are a primary source of information and tools for consumers, families, caregivers, advocates and ombudsmen to help ensure quality care for the individual. The Consumer Voice's mission is to represent consumers at the national level for quality long-term care, services and supports.

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National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care - 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 425 - Washington, DC 20036 - telephone: (202) 332-2275 - fax: (202) 332-2949 - info@theconsumervoice.org