Salsa test

Wisconsin Chapter wins the competition!

1st Place: Wisconsin (30.28%)
2nd Place: Oregon (25.13%)
3rd Place:  Canada (15.92%)
4th Place:  Arizona (15.38%)

Wisconsin was able to win the lead with a last minute rally of the troops. They gained a significant increase in the percentage of members donating from the previous weeks, also winning the mini-competition. Congratulations to the Wisconsin Chapter!

Even though the competition has ended, you can still donate to the Council through your AILA Chapter Renewal Dues.

**Special Announcement! Bob Juceam has pledged to write a check if this year's number of supporters exceed 2,065!**

Your Information

We have your Chapter affiliation on file, so we know which Chapter to credit this donation to.

If you would like to make your contribution in honor or memory of someone please complete the information below, but it is not required.

This donation is...

in honor of Keep blank if none

in memory of Keep blank if none

Donation Amount

The suggested donation amount on the AILA membership dues renewal form is $50.  We hope you will consider this amount.  We have also given you the option to make a recurring donation if you prefer to spread payments out.

Credit Card Information
Please enter your card number with no spaces or dashes.
All of the information above is correct.

Please click the submit button only once.