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America is at a crossroads when it comes to retirement security:

  • Employers are moving away from secure pensions to risky do-it-yourself retirement savings plans such as 401(k)s.
  • A growing number of those who have pensions are seeing them cut back, in some cases even after they have been retired for many years.
  • Half of private-sector workers have no workplace retirement plan to supplement Social Security, which pays the typical retiree only slightly more than the minimum wage.

Not surprisingly, an increasing percentage of older Americans find themselves working later in life. Those unable to keep working simply cannot afford to pay for their basic needs.

The solution: Expand Social Security and improve pension and retirement savings programs.

Stand with the Pension Rights Center and our partners in calling on Congress to act now to address America’s growing retirement security crisis. By expanding Social Security and  pension programs, we will be ensuring a safe and secure retirement for all Americans.

For the first time in our country’s history, current and future retirees must prepare for a lower standard of living in retirement than their parents. This is because America’s retirement system is replacing a declining share of pre-retirement income.

In order to combat poverty among seniors, protect people with disabilities, veterans, children, and surviving spouses, we need to work for better private retirement options, while working to increase the benefits of the most successful social insurance program in our country’s history.

Join us today in calling on Congress to expand Social Security benefits and strengthen pensions for millions of Americans.

Together we can ensure that all Americans retire with dignity.

Thank you,

Karen Friedman
Executive Vice President and Policy Director

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Pension Rights Center
1350 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 206 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 296-3776