Salsa Scoop> tag: ”blog:user training“

Still a few more seats at the user conference -- book 'em by Friday

Monday's registration deadline for the DIA user conference has passed, but you might have noticed you can still get to the registration page. Here's the deal: there are about a dozen spots left. We'd like to fill them, but we also need to have a final-final head count for the hotel by the end of the week. So registration is going to be held open to tomorrow, Friday, June 20. That's the stone-cold, after-the-deadline deadline; we won't be able to handle on-site registrations, so if you're still juggling plans or otherwise uncertain, get in touch with us and let us know what's up no later than tomorrow.

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Lawrence Lessig to Keynote DIA User Conference June 27

This. Is. Hot. Lawrence Lessig, Stanford law professor, free culture paladin, social change advocate -- man, in short, about the technology activist town -- has just been officially confirmed to keynote the upcoming DemocracyInAction Community Conference. The conference takes place June 26-27 in downtown Washington, D.C.; Lessig will address the morning plenary on Friday, June 27th on "Change Congress". Maybe you caught him at the recent National Conference on Media Reform? You'll find him on the expanded agenda also just released. Did we mention (repeatedly?) that that's on top of two days' wall-to-wall Salsa training, online strategizing, and elbow rubbing with the best and brightest? Did we mention there are only three days left to register?

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Not to keep harping on the DIA User Conference, but this is the last week to register for the DIA User Conference

Don't put it off another day -- register now! The speakers list is coming together, and dang if it isn't a fine one. Rub elbows with the likes of:
  • Marty Kearns (Green Media Toolshed, Net-centric Campaigns)
  • Judith Freeman (New Organizing Institute)
  • Marc Laitin (Consultant)
  • Colin Delany (e.politics)
  • Jenn Smith (Watershed)
  • Allyson Kapin (Rad Campaign)
  • David Taylor (Radical Designs)
  • Rosalyn Lemieux  (Consultant)
  • Alan Rosenblatt (Center for American Progress)
  • Trina Zahller (Oil Change International)
And crib organizing notes from the best and brightest, like
  • MomsRising
  • Center for American Progress
  • Oceana
  • 1SkyBrave
  • Step It Up
  • Oil Change International
  • True Majority
  • Genocide Intervention Network
  • Code Pink
Did we mention that you're running out of time to register?

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Have You Registered for the DIA User Conference Yet?

Last-minute shoppers, the June 16 deadline for registration is fast approaching. Maybe you've been busy. Haven't had time yet. Been waiting on a few things to fall into place. We've all been there. But the calendar has rolled over to June and space is limited, so now's the time to make the time to register.

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Why are my pages not secure? (Un)locking the mystery.

Salsa automatically generates a secure URL for pages involving monetary transactions - donations, paid events, storefronts, etc.  However, just because those pages' URLs begin with "https://" doesn't mean they are secure - if you are loading nonsecure files or images anywhere on the "secure" page, the whole page will become nonsecure.  This manifests through a "broken" lock symbol in Firefox, and through pop-ups or other warnings in IE. You don't want potential donors or supporters scared away because they think their transactions won't be secure - so what you can do?

1.  Find out which template your nonsecure-soon-to-be-secure page is using.  You can do this by looking at  the number after the /t/ in the page's URL - this is the template key - or checking  which template is highlighted on Step 1 of your page creation workflow.  If no template is highlighted or there is no /t/ in your URL, you're using your site's default template. To see a list of your templates, go to dashboard -> manage templates.

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DIA Community Conference 2008, Coming Your Way!

It's here! In the spirit of providing the best learning opportunities, networking possibilities and progressive leadership for 2008 and beyond, we've been working hard on preparing our first ever community conference. We're talking two days of hands-on, interactive training from DemocracyInAction staff and your colleagues in other member organizations! The conference will take place in Washington, D.C. on June 26-27th at the Hotel Palomar. If you haven't checked the location out yet, it's a sustainably developed hotel in the heart of Dupont Circle with fabulous conference space (think windows in every room) and delicious meal plans (vegans and veggies, rejoice!)

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DIA User Conference: June 26-27

Save the date and watch for updates: June 26-27 in Washington D.C., at the Hotel Palomar we'll be hosting our first user conference. A lot's been happening in the year since we rolled out Salsa, both in the toolset and in the space, so there'll be plenty to talk about. We'll do some tools features, both old standbys and the new toys that seem to roll out every day; we'll do some strategy training and best practices; we'll do a lot of peer learning because there are much smarter people than us doing all kinds of innovative things; we'll have no shortage of socializing, networking, and general merrymaking with the fantastic circle of progressive activists using Salsa; and we'll learn from each other where we should be headed next. The agenda is in a developmental stage, so if you've got something you're dying to see happen, drop it in the comments here or drop one of us a line.

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Copious Salsa Documentation

A great software tool deserves great (and a great deal of) documentation. Simultaneous with polishing the code and building new features, we've been hard at work trying to take our documentation to a different place. We've been keenly aware for a while that we've left something to be desired in that department. Believe me, we're all tired ourselves of having to say that we're working on it. But we really have been. And finally, we have a comprehensive FDA-approved* label identifying every ingredient. Click here for your Salsa documentation. (It's permanently linked from our Training & Support section.) Now what you gets here at the moment is three different things, although like all great art it will over time grow and evolve new meanings, fresh interpretations, unexpected interlocutors. (And like the Capitoline Wolf, someone will come along later and slap some new content into it.)

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Training and Support

Ah, yes ... the timeless joys of support. At least as funny is the feel-the-pain comment thread in the original YouTube link, e.g.:

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