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On Sitting in Section 214 When Finding Out Whether a Man Lives or Dies: Anatomy of a Successful Online Action

There's nothing like receiving a verdict of life or death while doing something embarrassingly trivial to force one out of the mundane. It was sometime around the sixth inning of a lackluster dog-days game between two dog teams at seemingly vacant RFK Stadium that my old comrade had a text message reporting that a man won't be put to death tomorrow. Such a tiny little message, and so many mountains moved to get it.

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DIA Integrates with Myspace? You bet!

You can create a custom sign up box for your Myspace page so that your new friends can sign up for your list with one click.

Then, your new friends will be automatically entered into your DIA Headquarters into a group you've created just for them. This way, you'll be able to see who's signing up through your Myspace account and easily contact them later.

Here's how to do it:

1. Go to your DIA headquarters and create a new group for your Myspace signups. Be sure to copy the group key, a number found at the end of your URL when viewing your new group. It will look something like this:

So, in this case, you need to copy the 47223. We'll use it later.

2. Go to your Myspace account, and click " Edit profile"
Paste the code below into your " About me" section. Be sure to change all the placeholders with your org key, your Myspace URL, and your group key.

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