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tag: ”blog:brave new films“
Six-Pack: An Interview With Brave New Films' Jim Gilliam
Submitted Wed Aug 15 2007 14:00:59 GMT-0400 (EDT)
I had the opportunity to "sit down with" -- read: e-mail -- Jim Gilliam of Brave New Films about the Fox Attacks campaign to hit the "news" channel where its advertisers are.
The campaign has taken blogistan by storm, which Brave New Films seems to have down to a science. So what's the magic behind the curtain?
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Democracy In Action: Coalition Launches
Submitted Fri Jul 06 2007 10:55:30 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Among the coalition launching today are several DIA users including Brave New Films, whose video this is.
H/t A Tiny Revolution, who asks, "In all of American history, has there ever been a government official who deserved impeachment more than Dick Cheney?"
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Digital Story Telling Tips
Submitted Fri Jun 01 2007 17:42:50 GMT-0400 (EDT)
Below are some handy suggestions I pulled from the presentation Age of YouTube: Using Video Online to Reach the Masses which was presented at NTEN’s Technology 2007 Conference.
The Serial Approach - Consider offering a series of short videos (2-3 minutes) that explain your issue, instead of making an expensive project video (or in addition to). See how I Love Mountains features short videos about the destructive practice of mountaintop removal on their homepage.
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E-xemplar Series (Shameless Self-Promotion Class): Wal-Mart Movie
Submitted Mon Oct 17 2005 00:30:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)We promised an example of someone making great use of DemocracyInAction's coding flexibility. This isn't only that. Brave New Films' web site for its flick Wal-Mart: The High Cost of a Low Price is as tightly designed a site as you'd ever want to see. And their villainous take on the Wal-Mart smiley might have you waking up in a sweat at night.
For their house party event, they're using our API to pass data from their own pages. This is something you've gotta do on your own -- it's not for everyone, but it's brilliant if you can program it.