Salsa Scoop> Salsa Status Report XV

Salsa Status Report XV

We've been busy! Much of the development is still in beta now, but there will be major improvements rolling out soon. The biggest of these is Action 2.0, which as you might have hear is now open for beta testers. If you'd like to be a beta tester, email us for an account.

  • BUG: Fixed display of the "country" field for supporters who are imported with country names instead of country codes. (minor)
  • BUG: Fixed display of the error message when a donation amount is larger than the maximum allowed donation (minor)
  • BUG: Fixed non-secure links to some donation pages (medium)
  • BUG: Fixed some issues with smart groups (medium)
  • BUG: Person-to-person donate pages now display correct fundraising goal (medium)
  • DEVELOPMENT: Actions 2.0 -- Released to Beta -- includes all the nifty new Actions features, including form parsing, thank/spank, speed improvements, better reporting, etc. (major)
  • DEVELOPMENT: New file based SalsaScript deployed -- supports sjs files, and a variety of new SalsaScript methods (major)
  • DEVELOPMENT: Salsa DataSync -- New datasync framework released in Beta, with Salesforce being the first. (major)
  • DEVELOPMENT: Session handling -- MemCached session handling deployed to sandbox, to hopefully minimize logouts (major)
  • ENCHANCEMENT: Email field added to campaign/list.jsp?table=recipient (minor)
  • ENCHANCEMENT: "Return to Edit your report" link added to Reports (minor)
  • ENCHANCEMENT: Beginning_Content field added to the LTE workflow (minor)
  • ENCHANCEMENT: Maximum number of attendees error added to Event Fee pages as well The Event Zip Code field's (minor)
  • ENCHANCEMENT: Query on click tracking updated to eliminate duplicate supporters in list . (minor)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Date_Requested switched to Scheduled_Date email/summaryList.jsp (minor)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added new monthly donation/fee statement page at hq/donation/statement.sjs (major)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Changed branding of "auto-update groups" to smart groups (minor)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Email blast size now checked before sending (blasts that are too big are paused) (major)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Fixed the photo library to display the database key of a photo if it doesn't have a title (minor)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Linked donations to event_fees where applicable (major)
  • ENHANCEMENT: New email blast content filtering removes <script>, <xml>, <object>, <embed> tags (major)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Sped up searches on Last_Name (minor)
  • FORMATTING: Added a colon at the end of the form field names ("Credit card number:") (minor)
  • FORMATTING: Added a note that "*Asterisk indicates a required field." (minor)
  • FORMATTING: Donation page: Removed the asterisk before "What's this?" to distinguish it from the asterisks indicating a required field. (minor)
  • FORMATTING: Order of display with editable "letter body" and "uneditable content" fields on tellafriend reversed. (minor)
  • FORMATTING: Date formatting is much friendlier now on Dist. Event/Event pages (minor)



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