Salsa Scoop> Ms. America: The Politics of a Database Field

Ms. America: The Politics of a Database Field

I think I heard somewhere that the personal is political. We receive our share of unusual inquiries hereabouts. The other day, we got one ("bcc: many folks") prompted by this page and reading in part:
your first three choices for "Title" on your drop-down "Select Title" menu are: --Mr.; --Mrs.; and --Ms. This implies that you are using "Ms." as an abbreviation for "Miss," which is incorrect. Furthermore, it is very discouraging to those of us who fought for years to eliminate the varieties of ways in which women are discriminated against, by our laws and by our cultural institutions. A major tactic in this effort was the creation of a title for women (Ms.), parallel to that used for men (Mr.), for the purpose of denoting gender only and nothing at all about marital status, as a means of eliminating the institution of requiring that women identify themselves as either never-married or as [previously] married. ... I BEG you, remove "Mrs." from your drop-down menu and stop requesting women to tell you whether or not they are-now-or-ever-have-been married. It is SO 19th-century, and it invites a renewal of discrimination against women based on marital status.
This was an interesting inquiry for us: we'd already removed 'Mrs.' once before. And for exactly the reasons enumerated by our correspondent. It didn't go over well at all. Or it might be more precise to say that probably the vast majority of people signing up didn't notice or didn't care, but to a fairly vociferous minority, permitting only "Ms." was an unacceptable bit of effrontery on the part of a database. Data seems a neutral enough thing, but there are those occasional fault lines -- ultimately inherent in the whole purpose of a database to regiment and categorize information -- between user sensibilities, conflicting cultural norms, and convenient data management. We offer the Title field as a picklist primarily to service the latter. The database itself will accept other values for these fields (and the forms can be rewritten to give other choices using our API), but forcing a user to choose, say, "Mr." prevents people hand-entering "Mister", "mr", or a mistyped "Mnr", which in turn makes retrieval easier. That's simple enough. But once we choose standardization points, well, we're picking winners and losers. Since most people's titles are self-identified through web forms, that's a sensitive business. Pretty much everyone at DIA, male or female, is of the "Ms."-using sort and altogether sympathetic to our interlocutor, but that's not -- at least not yet -- completely true of all our organizations' supporters, even though those supporters skew liberal. Over 8% of all the filled "Title" fields in our database are filled with "Mrs.", and those primarily by women who themselves chose "Mrs." when "Ms." was also on the menu. Though there's no objectively right or wrong point at which to balance the tradeoffs involved, we view that as too many people not to meet where they're at. (In managing donor data in my last life, I took a similar tack: female titles defaulted to "Ms.", but if something else was explicitly indicated by the donor, it's counterproductive not to respect it. To explore further this diversion, it's worth remarking that in fundraising, the nearly-obsolete title of "Miss" -- which we've never had as an option, and to my knowledge never had requested -- is a hot indicator of a candidate for planned giving, i.e., for leaving a bequest to a nonprofit in her will. Reason: it's almost exclusively used by older women who don't have children of their own.) The cultural evolution of "Ms." is obviously quite a lot larger than our particular corner of software. It certainly seems the case that, whatever the original intent of the word, "Ms." has indeed supplanted the place held by "Miss" while also winning over many married women. "Mrs." just hasn't fallen away, however, and it does anecdotally seem preferred by enough women, including younger ones, that it's not going away soon. One suspects, nevertheless, that in the longer arc, time is indeed on our correspondent's side: Women choosing "Ms." from the menu outnumber "Mrs." nearly 3 to 1.


I love this kind of post

It really showcases DIA staff as thoughtful, committed and interesting people. Thanks for taking the time to present such a lovely face to the world!

Gender feedback

A few months ago, we ran a short optional survey from our web site. It included a question that asked for the person's gender and offered the choices "Male" and "Female". In the final "any comments?" text box of the survey, several people -- maybe as many as 2% of the several hundred respondents -- wrote in suggesting that this question was insulting to transgendered individuals; e.g. those who have had a sex change, or have chosen to be non-gendered, bi-gendered, etc. They suggested (sometimes politely, sometimes less so) that we offer a third option for individuals who do not fit into the standard categories. Your "Ms versus Mrs" post reminds me of that. The vast majority of individuals fit into the traditional categories. However, there is a small percentage of people who simply don't fit there, for one reason or another. We can debate transgender culture or modern feminism until the sun explodes, but it won't change how the web site visitor feels today, right now. How far do you and I go to accomodate everybody? Maybe in your case you need another option: "Ms. and irritated that 'Mrs.' is an option"? JUST KIDDING.

I was half on my way out the

I was half on my way out the door to vacation when you posted this, but I do think it's an excellent point. When you step back from the whole thing, it's not necessarily obvious why titles should ever have to declare a gender, and of course we have a lot of them ("Dr.", "Hon.", "Gov." ...) that don't do so at all. To the extent that it reflects or reinforces unnecessarily constrained ways of thinking about gender, sexuality, social roles and all that, there's a lot more room to evolve ... BTW, this post has had a follow-up here.

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