Take Action

Current Actions

  • Thank lawmakers who opposed SB 1 and express your frustration to those who supported it

    Pension-cutting Senate Bill 1 has passed the House and Senate and awaits the Governor's signature.

    Now's the time to thank lawmakers who did the right thing and urge them to keep standing with us in the future. Thank those who voted no on SB 1.

    And it's time to let politicians who voted against retirement security for working families and retirees know just how disappointed, frustrated, and outraged we are.

    Enter your zip code below to send a message to your state representative and state senator.

    A suggested message is provided. You can edit it to reflect your own views.

  • Oppose the leaders' extreme pension scheme!

    Politicians are expected to return to Springfield on Tuesday, December 3, to vote on an extreme pension scheme devised by the four legislative leaders – House Speaker Michael Madigan, Senate President John Cullerton, House Leader Jim Durkin, and Senate Leader Christine Radogno.

    This is it – the biggest legislative threat we’ve ever faced together.

    The scheme will blend unfair, unconstitutional elements from old, failed bills – such as cutting COLAs by one-third or more, hiking retirement ages, undermining pensions by expanding 401(k)’s, and other devastating pension cuts.

    Tell your state representative and state senator you oppose the leaders' pension scheme by sending an e-mail you can personalize!

  • Sign Our Petition to Pass SB 2404 and Close Wasteful Corporate Tax Loopholes!

    Sign our petition below to tell Governor Pat Quinn, Speaker Michael Madigan, and all Illinois lawmakers to act to pass the coalition-backed Senate Bill 2404 and to close wasteful corporate tax loopholes!

  • Tell the Conference Committee to Adopt SB 2404 Unchanged and Explore Alternatives to Pension Cuts!

    The House and Senate have formed a ten-member "conference committee" to write new, "compromise" pension legislation.

    But a negotiated compromise solution with overwhelming, bipartisan support already exists -- Senate Bill 2404. SB 2404 was the product of difficult negotiations between We Are One Illinois and President Cullerton and was only reluctantly agreed to by the unions in our coalition. 

    Send an e-mail to conference committee members urging them to adopt SB 2404 unchanged. Tell them to explore alternative "compromise" ideas, such as closing corporate tax loopholes and re-amortizing the pension debt, rather than slashing modest pensions.

    A suggested message is provided. Please consider personalizing it to reflect your views and ensure it is read.

  • There's a fair fix. Tell the House to vote!

    Led by Senate President Cullerton, an overwhelming, bipartisan majority of the Illinois Senate passed SB 2404. This bill is a fair and constitutional pension funding solution, but House Speaker Michael Madigan refuses to call it for a vote.

    Send a message to your senator and representative. Urge them to insist that SB 2404 gets a fair vote on the House floor.

  • Thank senators who stood for fairness

    Led by Senate President John Cullerton, a strong, bipartisan majority of Illinois senators voted to reject the drastic pension cuts of SB 1 and approve fair SB 2404, developed with our coalition.

    Now's the time to thank senators who did the right thing and urge them to keep standing with us. And it's time to let senators who voted wrong know how disappointed we are.

    Enter your zip code below to send a message to President Cullerton and your own state senator.

    A suggested message is provided. You can edit it to reflect your own views.

  • Take action - for a fair solution!

    Last spring and again last fall, your calls and emails stopped attacks on the modest pensions that teachers, fire fighters, nurses and other public employees earn, pay for and depend on.

    Workers know there is a pension funding problem -- and nobody has a greater stake in solving it than they do. After all it's their retirement security.

    That's why Illinois public employees and their unions have stepped up to work for a fair solution, offering to help clean up a mess they didn't make. But the same politicians who created the pension debt by failing to pay their share now are trying to make workers bear the entire burden for solving the pension problem themselves.

    Use the tool below to write to your legislators and the governor. Tell them not to punish public employees but work with them for a fair solution.

  • (No Title)

    Thanks for signing up to support our firefighters, teachers, police officers and other public employees. Now it’s time to take action by calling or e-mailing your lawmakers and demanding that they protect public employees’ pensions.

    To call your legislator, simply dial 888-412-6570 and follow the prompts. To send an email, use our simple contact tool — just enter your zip code to get started.