Attend an Event
Sun, Oct 08, 2017
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Doing Well & Doing Good for the 99%'ers: How to Make, Use and Donate Your Money Wisely

After you pay taxes, there are only three things you can do with your money:

  1. Spend it
  2. Save it and invest it
  3. Give it away

How do you ensure that you are a responsible steward of the money that you earn? How do you spend and give away money consistent with your values?  How do you invest sensibly and responsibly?  What choices can you make – both as an individual and within your communities – to use funds with care, intelligence and impact?

Join NIF New Generations for coffee, bagels and a conversation with seasoned financial planner Fran Goldman at her sukkah in NW DC about how we can best manage our money in order to maximize our capacity to give to the organizations we are passionate about. 

Sunday, October 8th from 11:00 - 1:00 pm
Location: NW Washington, DC (RSVP for exact address)

Fran will give a 20-30 minute presentation, with plenty of time for discussion.  She is also available to answer other questions you have on personal finance & financial literacy, so this is the time to ask those questions that you’ve never known who to ask or been too embarrassed to ask. We will also say the blessings related to sitting in a sukkah and the lulav & Etrog.

Invite your friends! Just make sure to have them RSVP or count them as your guests when you register below so we can make sure to have enough food.

Fran Goldman is a fee-only Certified Financial Planner® in Washington DC focused on educating clients to make the best choices with their money in light of their values.  Previously, she worked in federal budgeting (at the U.S. Office of Management & Budget and the New Zealand Treasury) and was the CFO of several NGO’s, including 12 years at the New Israel Fund.  

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