Wed, Nov 28, 2012
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Shiboleth LLP and the New Israel Fund invite you to:

Religion and State in Israel:  Are There Prospects for Change?

?דת ומדינה בישראל היש פוטנציאל לשינוי

A breakfast briefing for the Israeli legal community with Uri Regev, attorney and rabbi

Event chairs: Oz Benamram and Oren Heiman

Wednesday, November 28
8:30 - 10:00 am
Shiboleth LLP, 1 Penn Plaza, Suite 2527 
Breakfast will be served. Please note the event is in HEBREW.
RSVPs required (fill out form below)

If you have any questions, please contact Ariella Sidelsky at, 212-613-4402

As the Israeli elections approach, religion-state issues are on the agenda of many Israelis.  The past year has seen dramatic developments, including the phenomenon of “hadarat nashim” (exclusion of women from public spaces), the battle over the Tal Law and more.  But ongoing challenges, such as the lack of civil marriage, the inequities in shouldering the civic burden, and institutional gender discrimination, often seem intractable.  Uri Regev will discuss the obstacles and the prospects for legal and political change in the status quo vis-à-vis religious pluralism and freedom in Israel.

Rabbi Uri Regev is a leader and advocate of religious liberty and the liberal movements of Judaism in Israel and around the world.  A Reform rabbi, he currently serves as president and CEO of Hiddush – For Freedom of Religion and Equality.  From 2002-2009, he was president of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, a global umbrella organization of the Progressive, Reform, Liberal and Reconstructionist movements.  Regev is a founding member of B'Tselem, , and has served on the boards of many Jewish organizations, including the World Zionist Organization, the Jewish Agency, Rabbis for Human Rights, and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel.

Event Location

Shiboleth LLP
1 Penn Plaza, Suite 2527
New York, NY 10119‎

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