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What’s Next for Israel? How Progressives Take Back Power

While Israel’s ultra-nationalist camp developed a well-funded network that dominates Israeli discourse and works to influence politicians and policy-makers, Israeli progressives, have failed to articulate an overarching vision that could yield real change. However, despite the success of the right-wing machine, recent polling suggests that more than half of Israelis want real change on core issues facing the country including security, pluralism, social-economic equity, and Jewish-Arab relations.

Molad, a progressive think tank, is changing the public debate in Israel. Founded in 2012, Molad has quickly established itself as a leading think tank and hub for innovative thinking. With NIF’s support, Molad intends to build and reinforce a coherent, strategic policy agenda, promote it through elite channels, and restore viable, intellectual leadership for liberal democracy in Israel.

We will be joined by an expert panel:

  • Libby Lenkinski, Director of Strategic Initiatives, New Israel Fund

  • Boaz Rakocz, Director, The Social Guard

  • Daniel Sokatch, CEO, New Israel Fund

  • Avner Inbar, Director, Molad: The Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy

Tuesday, December 9
9 am Pacific / 12 pm Eastern / 7 pm Israel
This call will last one hour

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