April 1, 2019
Volunteer Management
Volunteers are the backbone of many Long-term Care Ombudsman Programs. With the help of volunteers, the Ombudsman program can have a regular presence in facilities and stay in touch with residents. This NORC Notes issue will highlight resources related to getting a volunteer program started, program management, volunteer training, and volunteer recognition. Additional volunteer management resources are available on the NORC website here.
Volunteer Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Representative Intake Toolkit
This intake toolkit is designed to assist Long-Term Care Ombudsman programs with the application and screening process for potential volunteer Ombudsman program representatives. The toolkit includes several templates that Ombudsman programs can adapt to meet their individual program requirements.
View the full toolkit as a PDF and in sections below.
Volunteer Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program Representative Toolkit – Introduction (PDF)
I. Letter to Prospective Volunteer Ombudsman Program Representative (PDF)(Word)
II. Key Points for Minimum Volunteer Requirements (PDF)(Word)
III. Ombudsman Program Volunteer Application (PDF)(Word)
IV. Volunteer Reference Interview Form (PDF)(Word)
V. Ombudsman Program Representative Conflict of Interest Form (PDF, Word)
VI. Volunteer Acknowledgement Form (PDF, Word)
VII. Interview Questions for Prospective Long-Term Care Ombudsman Volunteers (PDF, Word)
VIII. Resources (PDF, Word)
NORC Ombudsman Compendium, Chapter 1 - Recruitment
This chapter provides tips and examples for recruitment of volunteers.
NORC Ombudsman Compendium, Chapter 1 – Recruitment – Appendices
The appendices include Ombudsman program recruitment examples.
Additional resources on getting a volunteer program started such as recruitment and hiring examples are available here.
Program Management Volunteer Risk Management Considerations for LTCOPs Worksheet
This worksheet provides key points to consider regarding risk management for LTCOPs. The chart highlights areas of risk and tips to reducing risk to help LTCOPs evaluate their programs to identify potential risk, review current program practices, and develop recommendations for improvements. This worksheet is also available as a Word document.
Quick Tips: Volunteer Program Assessment, Retention, and Program Expansion
This tip sheet provides specific points to consider during assessment of your current volunteer program, recruitment of potential volunteers and the development of volunteer positions that will suit your volunteers’ interests and strengths in order to benefit your program. This document also identifies resources regarding volunteer recruitment and volunteer role development.
NORC Compendium on Recruitment, Training and Retention
The Ombudsman Compendium is designed as a comprehensive reference tool intended for individuals who are responsible for recruiting, training and retaining effective long-term care ombudsmen (both paid and volunteer). More about the development of the compendium and the resources used can be found in the overview.
Additional resources on volunteer program management are available here.
NORC Ombudsman Compendium, Chapter 2 – Training
The purpose of this chapter is to help Ombudsman programs plan and develop training programs by sharing program examples and training considerations.
NORC Ombudsman Compendium, Chapter 2 – Training – Appendices
The appendices include Ombudsman program examples of training materials.
Additional resources on volunteer training are available here.
Over the years, NORC has provided webinars on various aspects of managing volunteers. Topics include: LTCOP Volunteer Management: Model Materials and Sharing Best Practices and Effective Training, Oversight, and Communication: Key Practices to Support Volunteer LTCO and Minimize Risk. The handouts and recording of the sessions can be found here.
In federal fiscal year 2017, 6,625 volunteers trained and designated to investigate and resolve complaints, contributed 591,363 hours of service to Ombudsman programs across in the country (according to the NORS data). The Independent Sector determined the estimated value of a volunteer hour in 2018 was $24.69. For the Ombudsman program, that is $14.6 million of assets due to volunteer service!
The theme for the 2019 National Volunteer Week, April 7 – 13, 2019 is Celebrate Service. The LTCOP could not be its best without the volunteers who help carry out the mission of advocating for long-term care residents. Thank your volunteers and recognize their work publicly by sending NORC brief messages of appreciation for their dedicated advocacy (e.g., examples of their advocacy, years of service, photos). We will post your message on our website and highlight the submissions on social media. Email your submissions to ombudcenter@theconsumervoice.org.
Ombudsman recognition ideas, tips, and examples are available here.
If you are looking for another place to advertise your volunteer opportunities, please send the information here. To see examples posted on the NORC website, visit here.
NORC has created a free, private listserv for Ombudsman programs that manage volunteers. The purpose of this listserv is to promote discussion among your peers and share challenges and successes regarding Ombudsman program volunteer management. NORC staff will respond to questions and highlight resources, as appropriate. The group is only open to Ombudsman program representatives that manage volunteers, it is not open to volunteers, family members, residents, or facility staff. We encourage you to join the listserv and connect with your peers across the country.
To join, contact Carol Scott, Ombudsman Specialist, National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center.
Read archived issues of NORC Notes here. If you have a question, are not able to find a resource, or want to share training materials or program practices, please email ombudcenter@theconsumervoice.org.