October 16, 2018
NORC Receives Supplemental Grant from Administration for Community Living
We are excited to share that the National LTC Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC) received a supplemental grant from the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to work on two projects over the next year (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019).
The first project will support Ombudsman programs with nursing facility initiated discharges by providing in-depth technical assistance, peer-to-peer learning opportunities, and training for up to five state Ombudsman programs. NORC will develop a resource that will explain how to use the revised federal regulations and guidance in Ombudsman program advocacy to address common issues related to nursing home transfer and discharge; discuss the administrative hearing process and advocacy opportunities; provide an advocacy checklist for responding to discharge complaints; and highlight examples of individual and systems advocacy and program management on this topic. NORC will also host a webinar for all Ombudsman programs, legal assistance developers, and legal assistance providers to introduce the new resource and share successful practices and outcomes from the selected states.
The goal of the second project is to gain a better understanding of what residents experience regarding pain management, including the use of opioids; how their quality of life and care is impacted due to opioid misuse; and enhance their knowledge about their rights for person-centered care and available support from the Ombudsman program. NORC will use input from residents and Ombudsman programs to create a consumer education resource to raise awareness of residents’ right to person-centered care, including appropriate pain management; the warning signs and risks of opioid misuse; alternatives to opioids for chronic pain; and how to report issues related to misuse of opioids.
Work will start on these projects immediately and more information will be shared in the coming months. Let us know if you have questions or information to share.
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It's International Infection Prevention Week
October 14-20 is International Infection Prevention Week, a time for health care professionals, administrators, legislators and consumers to focus on the importance of prevnting tinfections in long-term care facilities and improving outcomes. Several resources are available:
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Senate and House Introduce Stamp Out Elder Abuse Act
Senators Susan Collins, Claire McCaskill, and Amy Klobuchar and Representatives Peter King, Carolyn Maloney, Suzanne Bonamici, and Jan Schakowsky introduced the Stamp Out Elder Abuse Act of 2018. The bill would create a semi-postal stamp to provide additional funding to the federal government for programs that address elder abuse, nelgect and exploitation. The programs benefitting from the proceeds of the semi-postal stamp include elder justice initiatives at the Administration on Aging and at the Department of Justice. These programs include prevention, education, data collection, services to protect and support victims, and demonstration projects, in addition to initiatives to investigate and prosecute perpetrators of elder abuse and financial exploitation. For more information, read the press release from the Elder Justice Coalition.
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October Proclaimed as Residents' Rights Month
Governors and mayors across the country are proclaiming October 2018 as Residents' Rights Month. Making these proclamations helps raise awareness of and put the focus on the essential rights to which all residents are entitled. The federal Nursing Home Reform Law guarantees residents’ rights and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity, choice, and self-determination. Residents’ Rights Month is a time to raise awareness of these rights and celebrate residents. We have heard about Residents' Rights Month proclamations in Florida; Georgia; Washington, DC; Palm Shores, FL; Greeley, CO; and Heber Springs, AR. Has your local or state official proclaimed October as Residents' Rights Month? Let us know! Email the proclamation to info@theconsumervoice.org.
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Spotlight on Resources
Consumer Voice and the National Ombudsman Resource Center have a multitude of resources available online covering a wide range of long-term care topics. Visit the Consumer Voice and NORC websites to explore all the available resources. Check out this week's highlighted resource:
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
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In this Issue
NORC Receives Supplemental Grant from Administration for Community Living
It's International Infection Prevention Week
Senate and House Introduce Stamp Out Elder Abuse Act
October Proclaimed as Residents' Rights Month
Spotlight on Resources
Calendar of Events
October: Residents' Rights Month
October 14-20: International Infection Prevention Week
October 22-24: Consumer Voice Annual Conference, Alexandria, Virginia
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Tuesday, October 9:
Residents' Rights Month is in the news.
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Wednesday, October 10:
Long-term care consumers face unique challenges exercising their right to vote.
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