October 4, 2018
2019 State Ombudsman Conference Questionnaire
2019 State Ombudsman Conference
Tuesday, May 21 – Thursday, May 23
Orlando, FL
We are eager to develop a preliminary agenda to begin shaping sessions and confirming speakers and we need your help!
Read the complete list of the potential session descriptions as you may want to think about the possibilities before completing the questionnaire. Please take a few minutes now to focus on the spring training conference.
PLEASE NOTE: Although your voting is limited due to the constraints of the agenda, please comment on as many sessions as you wish. If a session is selected for the agenda that was not one of your top picks, your comments may be helpful in determining how to focus the session. Based on your responses, some of the sessions may be combined or addressed in another way such as a webinar, during a NASOP call, or as part of the NASOP meeting day agenda. The NASOP Professional Development Committee will provide guidance to NORC in making decisions about the agenda based on the questionnaire comments and results. Also, we will work to include sessions of national significance including speakers from the Administration for Community Living, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Details for these sessions are generally worked out closer to the conference as issues emerge and therefore do not appear on the questionnaire.
To complete the questionnaire, please click here and respond by Friday, October 19. Contact Carol Scott, 202-332-2275 ext. 209, cscott@theconsumervoice.org if you have questions.
Pre-and post- conference activities: NASOP meetings will be held on Monday, May 20 and a NASOP-sponsored information exchange and networking opportunity will be held Thursday, May 23 in the afternoon. You will receive information about these events as soon as it is available. Networking Day is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas, dilemmas, gather information tailored to your program’s needs, and strengthen your network of human resources. Center staff and other SLTCO will participate. Stay tuned for details!
An orientation session for New State Ombudsmen will be conducted Tuesday morning, May 21 prior to the opening session of the conference.
For additional information about the conference and to register, please click here.