October 1, 2018
Residents' Rights Resources
"We may not have a choice in what happened to our body, but we still have our minds and until we take our last breath, we can still contribute to our lives and choose how we live." - Sherry W., Nursing Home Resident
Residents at Colonial Park Rehab and Nursing in Rome, NY rap about Residents' Rights. Share this video to promote residents' rights and use it as a fun way to introduce training on residents' rights!
October is “Residents’ Rights Month,” an annual event designated by Consumer Voice to honor residents living in all long-term care facilities. Residents’ Rights Month is an opportunity to focus on and celebrate the awareness of dignity, respect, and the rights of each resident.
Residents' Rights Resources for Consumers
These consumer resources highlight residents’ rights and empower residents to ensure they received individualized care. During Residents’ Rights Month share these resources with residents, family members, advocates, and facility staff to focus on resident-directed care and emphasizing the self-determination, choice, and quality of life of each resident.
Residents' Rights and the LGBT Community: Know Your Rights as a Nursing Home Resident (UPDATED)
This factsheet highlights federal residents' rights and nursing home requirements that may be of particular importance to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) residents and provides options for complaint resolution, information for reporting abuse and resources regarding long-term care and LGBT advocacy. Read the fact sheet here.
My Personal Directions for Quality Living Form (UPDATED)
This form can be used by consumers to record their personal preferences and information about themselves in case they need long-term care services in their home or in a long-term care community in the future. The information in this form may provide some help in understanding residents and help when providing their care. View an example form here.
Residents' Rights Fact Sheets in different languages:
This fact sheet is also offered in several different languages such as: English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Russian, and Braille.
"Put a STOP to Poor Care" Brochure, Webinar Recording, and Slides
The “Put a STOP to Poor Care” brochure, webinar recording, and slides, provide a basic framework to help long-term care residents, their family members, and other advocates identify quality care and potential issues. The materials include indicators of quality care, warning signs, red flags of potential abuse, and advocacy and communication tips to address concerns.
Residents' Rights Month
October is Residents' Rights Month. This year's theme is “Speak Up: Know Your Rights and How to Use Them.” The theme emphasizes the importance of residents being informed about their rights; being engaged partners in achieving quality care and quality of life; and feeling confident in speaking up about what is important to them.
Residents' Rights Month Resources for Ombudsmen
Each year a packet of materials is put together and features ready-to-use items, including promotional materials, activity ideas, training tools, and resources.
Ombudsman programs can:
- share the free resources and activity ideas with residents, families, and facility staff,
- encourage residents to participate in the Resident’s Voice Challenge, and
- use the outreach examples to promote Residents’ Rights Month.
Promotional Materials
Activity Ideas for Facilities
Click on the image below to view a calendar filled with activity ideas for each day in October!
For more information on Residents' Rights Month visit the NORC website.
Read archived issues of NORC Notes here. If you have a question, are not able to find a resource, or want to share training materials or program practices, please email ombudcenter@theconsumervoice.org.