September 19, 2018
Emergency Preparedness: Ombudsman Program
Advocacy and Facility Responsibilities
webinar recording and slides are available now.
View the slides as a PDF.
Recent natural disasters have significantly impacted several states, including consumers of long-term care services and supports. During this webinar, presenters shared their experience before, during, and after a natural disaster. Also, attendees learned about CMS’ emergency preparedness rule, model policies and procedures for Ombudsman programs by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), the most common reactions of residents after a disaster and how to support them, and tips to help prepare personally and professionally.
Presenters were Louise Ryan, Ombudsman Program Specialist, Administration for Community Living/Administration on Aging (ACL/AoA); Maria Greene, Consultant, National Ombudsman Resource Center (NORC); Mike Milliken, Florida State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; Dania Vazquez , Puerto Rico State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; and Lisa Hayes, Managing Local Ombudsman, Houston-Galveston Area Agency on Aging/Houston-Galveston Area Council.
Additional information about Emergency Prepardness can be found on the NORC website and archived webinars are located here.