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National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center

March 8, 2017

In May 2016, NORC sent a planning and evaluation questionnaire to all State Ombudsmen and program representatives and we received over 100 responses. The responses help NORC evaluate the success of its activities and materials and provide NORC staff with key information in planning for future tasks. Over the past few weeks, NORC sent out a series of emails based on the results of this questionnaire. If you missed a previous email and would like to read it, click here. Below is a brief summary of responses about NORC's resources.

A Google group or listserv where people could ask questions. There is a volunteer management listserv where participants can ask questions, engage in discussion, and share best practices. To join the listserv, email cscott@theconsumervoice.org.

Information about the State LTCOPs Final Rule. All tools, resources, and documents regarding the LTCOP Rule (e.g., link to the regulations, resources produced by ACL and NORC, State Ombudsman programs' policies and procedures, state resources regarding the rule) are on the NORC website here. A LTCOP Rule resource list is available here.

Working with residents with behavioral and/or mental health needs, or substance abuse issues. Resources regarding working with and supporting individuals with mental health needs are available on the mental health issue page here. This page includes several key resources such as the Working with Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Quick Reference Guide, and the Mental Health - Ombudsman Training Manual (created by Dr. Susan Wehry for the New York LTCOP) that has five modules with speaker notes, PowerPoints, case studies, and additional resources.

Resident Councils and how to support them. Resources to help Ombudsman programs support and empower family and resident councils are on the NORC website here.

Training options for staff and residents. Training materials can be found on the NORC website here. A detailed overview about NORC training materials is available here.

Community outreach ideas. The NORC website includes a variety of examples of program promotion, media outreach, and marketing and recruitment.

Transfer/discharge issues. Resources on transfer/discharge are available here. A new FAQ document regarding the new federal regulation that requires nursing homes to send copies of transfer/discharge notices to the Ombudsman program is available here.

Volunteer management. Resources on volunteer management are available here. This page has information on getting started, program management, volunteer training, volunteer recognition, volunteer management conference call/webinars hosted by NORC, and volunteer opportunities.

Advocacy in assisted living. Information on assisted living advocacy is on the website here and in the LTCO Program Advocacy in Assisted Living Facilities Compendium.

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National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care - 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 425 - Washington, DC 20036 - telephone: (202) 332-2275 - fax: (202) 403-3473 - ombudcenter@theconsumervoice.org