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President Obama has announced that he wants to close a legal loophole that allows some brokers and other investment advisers to profit at their customers’ expense. Because of conflicted advice, millions of Americans end up with lower savings in their retirement accounts. In fact, a White House report estimates that conflicted advice, in the aggregate, is costing about $17 billion a year.

And it’s eating away at the retirement savings of consumers like you.

If you think that you have gotten bad retirement investment advice from a financial adviser, let us know. We want to hear from you.

Click here to help us document any problems that you have encountered with a retirement financial adviser who may have sold you high-fee investments or steered you to investment products that you didn’t understand or that performed much more poorly than the adviser predicted.

Financial institutions and many on Wall Street who make money by selling these conflicted investments are already lobbying Congress to keep this loophole. They are more interested in protecting their high commissions than protecting the retirement savings of millions of Americans. Help us make sure retirement investment advisers are protecting you.

Together, let’s shine a light on these practices to ensure that Americans can trust that the advice they are getting for their 401(k) and IRA investments is in their best interest.

Share your story with us today, so we can fight to protect the retirement savings of millions of workers and retirees.

You deserve the peace of mind to know that your retirement savings are being invested in your best interests, not chipped away through fees or commissions that help the financial adviser – not you.

Thank you for standing with us in our fight for a secure retirement for all Americans.

Karen Friedman
Executive Vice President and Policy Director

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  Pension Rights Center
1350 Connecticut Avenue NW, Suite 206 | Washington, DC 20036 | (202) 296-3776