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Happy Friday!

This week, instead of dressing up like cats, we got another cat. I am totally not a cat fan, but apparently, my brain has been destroyed by our two-year-old.

Don't have a cat, but looking for a way to bring some joy to the world? You can nominate Salsa for Most Valuable Tech at RootsCamp!

Commons comments

This week's highlight was universe-shifting, in my opinion. You can now change the field order of Standard fields. Holy wow awesomeness. I don't know who I am anymore.

If you have any thoughts that you want to share about the new css on Salsa Commons, send us an email to feedback at salsalabs.com.

Thanks for the feedback regarding messages from Postini.

Thank you for the conversation about the "Head of Household" language.

Sue has some good suggestions on segmenting volunteers and news groups.

Thanks to Ivan for great tips on using the unsubscribe and profile pages.

Have you seen our Salsa Community Daily yet? I just love looking over the variety of things on which our members are working. Add yourself to our Twitter list if you want to be included in the Daily.

This weekend, I plan on... hmm... neat... I have nothing planned. Woohoo!


P.S. Please let us know how we can bug you better by filling out our communications survey.

The Friday Fiesta is a more informal update on what's going on in the Salsa Community.
I usually like to add a few notes on my favorite topics as well as what's up in our office,
all delivered with a charming dose of rambling sarcasm,
because I don't actually know how to communicate in any other way.

Brought to you by Salsa Commons.

If you have a coworker who's jealous that you're getting this email and they're not, send them to this page.

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