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Salsa Weekly Highlight: Click2Call Actions

by Leslie Hall

(From this week's Weekly Highlight email. Click here to sign up to receive it in your inbox every week!)


It's the "Salsa Weekly Highlight," your quick hit on what's new in Salsa to help get the most out of your online program. As always, you can find plenty more news, updates, and conversation throughout the week on

Ready to bump up the impact of your online actions?

Our friends (and Salsa partners) at New Signature have added an amazing tool to the Salsa Market: Click2Call Actions.


Everyone knows that constituent phone calls are a powerful way to influence lawmakers. The trick is getting your supporter over the hurdles to making that call -- like knowing who their legislator is, and what to say.

The "Jalapeno" Click2Call tool sweeps aside those hurdles and lets your supporters make a powerful, personalized telephone contact within seconds of opening your email.

Which one of these emails would you be more likely to respond to?

Contact your senator today to ask them to vote for DADT Repeal.

To contact your senator, please call the Senate switchboard at 202.224.3121, tell them your state, and ask to speak to your senator.


Contact your senator today to ask them to vote for DADT Repeal.

Just click here to get started:

Image: Start Making Phone Calls

When supporters click the button, they're taken to a screen that collects enough information to connect to them to their own legislator, and does the dialing for them. With that ease of use, you'll generate more high-value constituent phone calls -- with built-in reporting data besides.

You can read more about Click2Call, and check out a YouTube demo, on the Salsa Scoop blog or at

And you can get your hands on it right this minute in the Salsa Market.

Though this is a third-party tool, we at Salsa Labs always strive to make your experience with Salsa the best it can be. If you have questions or feedback about the Marketplace, Click2Call app, or anything else Salsa-related, we'd love to hear from you, too!